Twitter. Possibly one of the most diverse social networks our world has ever seen. It provides millions of people with a creative outlet like no other for sharing words, picture and video.
It also kind of sucks to be totally honest. Here are a few reasons to stay far away from the twittersphere.
1.No drama.
Who dated Tricia? Who fought who in the towel aisle of Bed Bath & Beyond? Who cares? Not you!
2.More phone storage.
You can buy a few extra pointless phone games now!
3.Less time forcing wittiness.
No more struggling to come up with the perfectly witty tweet, you can just say perfectly witty things whenever you want!
4.No spoilers.
Being forced to stay off your phone after you miss your favorite show is not fun.
5.No politics.
Contrary to popular opinion, politics give me headaches and I love avoiding them at all costs.
Had to say it again because it's just so sweet.