1.Dogs are adorable.
Look at these cute little fluffballs! Now you get to love them with all your heart.
2. There’s an unspoken bond between dog owners.
A simple wave and inquisitive gesture is enough to get permission to pet a dog, and you don’t even mind that someone’s greeting your dog instead of you! (Note: please ask permission to pet a strange dog.)
3. You’re okay with a little bit of mess
Everyone knows dogs like to make messes – in comparison to cleaning skunk out of her fur, spilling your coffee or dropping your books doesn’t seem like such a big deal.
4. You’ve got a source of unconditional positive regard.
Your dog loves you 24/7 – even when you get a bad grade or forget to clean your room.
5. You recover faster when you get sick.
No, really: dogs have been proven to help sick people recover more quickly, even cutting recovery time in half!
6. You know you can feel safe.
If something happens in the night, you can be sure your pup will wake you up – even if what happened didn’t really warrant it.
7. You know “dumb” isn’t really an insult.
“You’re so dumb, I love you” is a phrase you say to your dog almost daily: when they run headlong into the table, when they can’t figure out where the treat is (right in front of them), or when they wrap themselves headlong around a pole and keep going while you try to untangle them.
8. You’ve learned how to be patient.
Sure, that’s the third time Buster has knocked over the garbage can this week, but you could never be mad at that face.
9. You never have to be lonely with a dog in the house.
Your dog always wants to be around you!
10. Cuddling with a dog is the best thing in the world.
When a dog trusts you enough to lay her head on you or fall asleep in your lap, you feel like the coolest person in the world.
11. You have a friend forever.
Even if you feel alone, you know there’s one pup who would do anything for you and loves you with all her heart.