10 Reasons Great Danes Have The Best Personalities
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10 Reasons Great Danes Have The Best Personalities

We all wish we could be as bold as our dog!

10 Reasons Great Danes Have The Best Personalities

Great Danes are some of the most extraordinary creatures, with personalities as big as their brick heads! Sometimes it may even seem like they are our greatest friends, who can make us smile just by being so quirky and full of life. The list could go on for days, but for now, here are 10 reasons Great Danes have the best personalities!

1. They are the size of a small pony, but even the tiniest things perplex them.

"What the hell is this, Sharon? Sharon, I demand you remove this pest at once!"

Whether you're bringing home a baby or a box that makes squeaking sounds, you can bet your Great Dane will remain intrigued for hours, maybe even days! They are quite curious creatures, and as curious as they are, they still seem hesitant to accept something so out of this world (or at least their world).

2. They forget how big they are. Then again, they are smart enough to plot a murder.

"Whoa, Mom, are you OK? I thought you wanted me to help you!"

Sometimes we just wanna play with our little buddy, but you may want to think twice before attempting to play with a beast that's literally ready to push you down a slide.

3. They are as silly and aloof as a dog can get without having to try.

"I'm just gonna...la dee la... [Splash.] Not again...ugh...that's the third time this week!"

Somehow, no matter how hard they try, Great Danes seem to be like one of those socially awkward people you can't help but love.

4. They act like they can't hear you and silently laugh inside.

"Here we go again. Let me just stare at her pathetically and see what she starts offering as compensation. Humans are so funny!"

One of the best traits of a Great Dane is this subtle stubbornness. They look at you for a long time, just staring and yawning as you beg them to do something. We all know inside they are just chuckling away at our pleading.

5. They know their jowls are big and droopy, and yet it does not phase them.

"Maybe it's time I got a facelift...ugh...at least I can carry all the water in the bowl around the house so Mommy can find me when she comes home."

Water, water everywhere. Those jowls seem to carry the contents of a nearby lake, I swear. Wherever they go, I know to have a towel ready. My Great Dane doesn't seem to mind, even when he's got floss, Legos, and twigs entangled in his meaty lips.

6. You bring them out for a run and they take it to the extremes.

"Did she say vet later? I think not. I'm getting out of here, Sharon!"

When it's time to let my Great Dane loose, I always have to keep my eyes on him because before you know it he's on the other side of Chicago with a plane ticket and a six-pack of beer. Let's hope if you ever need to send a message, they'd run that fast to get it delivered...but we all know that will never happen. Refer back to No. 4.

7. They are true sweethearts.

"Is this mine? SHARON! Why is my puppy bald all over?"

Great Danes are one of the most loving and loyal dog breeds. They are known to give their love and protection to very few, but if you're one of the chosen ones, good luck trying to go anywhere without them following you everywhere you go. They love tenaciously and without limitation, something all Great Dane owners are blessed to know.

8. They can be the biggest and cutest cowards.

"I am fearless... Oh no...oh no...what the hell is this thing? Mom, make room. I'm gonna sit on your chest until this battle ceases."

From creaky floors to pine cones, there is probably at least one fear that brings the words "lap dog" to a new extreme for your Great Dane. They can be some of the wimpiest dogs, thrusting their face into your shirt and trying their hardest to suffocate you with their weight while they escape the dust bunny floating through the living room.

9. They really couldn't care less about most things.

"I was a potato in another life...at least no one bothers them."

Some mornings my Great Dane doesn't even want to get up, but even more amazing is how much silliness they put up with. They just kind of go with it!

10. They remind you of yourself.

"Oh, to be loved...to go places...to be fed and adored...if only!" [Hums sad tune.]

Besides being aloof and awkward, we may be more like our Great Danes than we thought. Who hasn't stood by the window and mournfully gazed out, thinking about what they're missing out on? Great Danes sure know how to throw a pity party, and they have the droopy sad face to prove it! Just like us, they're just trying to navigate the roads of life in the quirkiest and boldest way possible.

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