We live in a society where hiding our feelings and emotional sides is so common. Bottling up all of our emotions is not only difficult to do, but it is also extremely unhealthy. Sometimes we don't show people our more emotional side because we want to come off as 'strong' or we just don't want people to see us when we are down. After keeping all my feelings in for a really long time, and getting sick from doing so, I realized how important it is to express our emotions whether it is just letting yourself cry, or venting to a friend about how you're feeling. I really dislike how so many people depict those that express their feelings as weak or sensitive people. What's so wrong about having a good cry?
1. It helps to get everything out at once.
There may be so many things going on at once in your life. Maybe you have been crying about small little things, but it could be beneficial to just let it all out at once.
2. It is unhealthy to keep everything in.
Keeping all of your emotions inside, can actually make you physically sick.
3. It feels amazing afterword.
I personally feel so amazing after a big cry and just letting myself wail.
4. It may help you understand why you have been having a difficult time.
When you really get in touch with you emotions, thoughts may begin to unravel. If you have been holding all of your emotions in, letting them out may help you come to terms with the events that have been taking place.
5. It may help you tell people what is bothering you.![]()
Letting everything out whether you are alone, or with someone else, may help explain to others what is wrong and how they can help you get through it. The best part about letting your family and friends know what is going on, is they will genuinely be there to help.
6. It will take a huge weight off your shoulders.
You will be able to take a huge sign of relief that you were able to talk about it or just cry without any judgment.
7. You will be able to look back at the situation and see that it was easier opening up than you thought.
When you have the right people standing by you, you will see that they want to help you in anyway they can, especially if it is as easy as just lending an ear.
8. You may feel more comfortable talking about your feelings with others.
Being able to express yourself to others, even if it may be one other person, can bring you closer to them. Some people find it extremely difficult to find someone who they can just vent to, but once you find that person (or people) you will feel like you can talk to them about anything.
9. It is an excuse to eat horrible (but amazing) comfort food.
Go ahead and eat your feelings.
10. You will accept that you have strong emotions and that it really is OK to express them.
Let it all out, honey.
11. You will be able to take a deep breath and get through it.
Believe that you can get through it, and you will move toward that step.