Coconut oil is a miracle product. It started becoming popular and trendy around 2014, and now, it seems like you can't get away from it. The secret is that coconut oil contains a lot of saturated fats, which are usually bad for you, but good when it's in coconut oil. It's extremely hydrating. Here are 11 reasons coconut oil is amazing:
1. It Helps Your Hair
Coconut oil is a great deep conditioner. It hydrates the melanin in your hair, which makes it grow longer and faster while also preventing gray hair! Your hair will be thicker and silkier, too. It can be used to smooth back fly aways, which are always annoying. Coconut oil prevents damage too. If you're dying your hair at home, put some coconut oil in the dye. Just make sure not to use too much: coconut oil can make your hair smelly and greasy if you go overboard.
2. It Helps Your Skin
Coconut oil is amazing for your skin because, you guessed it, it's so hydrating. You can use it as a face wash, body lotion, massage oil, makeup remover and more. Coconut oil helps heal scars and eczema, as well as preventing wrinkles. It can also help reduce under-eye circles!
3. It Helps Your Teeth
Coconut oil is commonly used in a process called oil pulling, when people swish oil around their mouth for 20 minutes on an empty stomach and then spit it out. It's supposed to "pull" the toxins out of your body while also making your teeth whiter and stronger, also preventing cavities and other teeth problems. Coconut oil also makes a good lip balm because it hydrates your lips (what a surprise!).
4. It's All-Natural
Though coconut oil does go through some chemical processes before being packaged, it does not undergo as many as other beauty products. Coconut oil can either be refined or unrefined. Refined coconut oil goes through more chemical processes than unrefined coconut oil, making it good for cooking, but not for skin. Unrefined coconut oil contains most of the moisture that was in the coconut to begin with, which is why coconut oil is so hydrating! When you read the back of a jar of coconut oil, it just says "coconut oil," nothing crazy. Would you rather put this on your face, or a bunch of chemicals that you can't pronounce?
5. You Can Eat It
Coconut oil is a great substitute for butter in vegan meals. It's also cool because if you're washing your face with coconut oil and some gets in your mouth, there's no fear of being poisoned, and it actually tastes good! Who doesn't love coconut?6. It's Gluten-Free
7. It Smells Great
Coconut is probably one of the most popular scents out there. It just gives off good, tropical vibes. It's also cool to know that coconut oil isn't artificially scented, eliminating even more chemicals! Just be careful that you don't use too much, or you may become slightly smelly.8. It Can Be Stored Easily
Coconut oil is usually solid at room temperature, but it melts with body heat, so just rubbing it in your hands will melt it enough for use. This means that you don't need to refrigerate coconut oil or keep it stored at any specific temperature! It's super convenient. 9. It's Easily Accessible
Coconut oil can be found at grocery stores, drug stores, and online. You don't need to go on a hunt to find it!10. It's Versatile
11. It's Cheap
Because you don't need a ton of beauty products, coconut oil can help you spend less money in the long run. A 16 ounce jar of coconut oil is typically $7-10, which is pretty cheap as it is. Also, a little bit of coconut oil can go a long way. Most of its uses only call for one teaspoon, so you can get a lot out of one jar.
You won't find out if coconut oil is right for you unless you try it! The benefits are endless.