Okay, yes I am a little biased being as I spend over half a year in Boone, but you have to admit, spring is great in Boone. To me, all seasons are actually great in Boone because it is one of the best places to be. So settle in and let me give you the best reasons of why everyone should visit Appalachian State and Boone in the spring time.
1. The humidity is low
Sure the humidity is still going to exist, but your chances of looking like Monica in Barbados are lesser than other NC destinations.
2. You can go on a hike in the beautiful weather
There is so much fun to be had on the Parkway or at any of the other various state parks nearby with trails galore.
3. All of the blossoming flowers
Come to Boone and smell our flowers, and you may end up looking just as majestic as Beyonce.
4. All of the water activities
You can cliff jump, white water raft, hangout on a river, raft or any other leisurely water activity you please.
5. 75 is considered hot here
No more 95 degree days for you. When the temperature rises above 65, shorts and tank tops emerge for good.
6. It is the perfect weather to Eno in
Crack that sucker open and prepare for a day of rest and comfort.
7. Thunderstorms
If you love storms as much as some do, you will love the repeated thunderstorms Boone gets throughout the spring.
8. All of the friendly people
This weather just brings out the nice in people.
9. The dogs
10. The general happy mood
All of the people, especially on campus, are in remarkably better moods simply because we can be outside and enjoy the wonderful weather.
11. Overall, the entire vibe changes for the better
As a whole, you can feel the whole town come back to life, which is pretty amazing. We're done hiding in our groundhog holes for now.
I am positive that these reasons don't adequately communicate the wonderfulness that is Boone in the spring. It is comparable to none, and you should come find out yourself.