Game of Thrones is undoubtedly my favorite show at the moment. The characters are amazing, the plotline is riveting, and who doesn't love dragons? With so much to chose from it was really hard to come up with a favorite character. Actually scratch that, it really wasn't. Arya Stark is hands down the best character, and here's why (**warning: spoilers**)
1. She doesn't care about how anyone thinks she should act
2. She's fiercely loyal to her family and friends
3. She has grown and changed more than anyone else on Thrones
4. She always stands up for what she thinks is right
5. She's independent
6. But she can befriend the best characters
7. She sometimes makes mistakes
8. But she always comes out stronger(it's too bad the best fight scene had to take place in the dark)
9. Everyone thinks she's dead
most of the important political players think that she's dead, so now that's she's off back to Westeros, who knows what beautiful havoc she'll wreak
10. She somehow survived multiple stabs to the guttalk about badass
11. She never forgot who she was