Prior to the Disney College Program, you are told about all the magic that will happen while living in Florida. Working at the “Most Magical Place on Earth,” spending time off exploring the four major theme parks, and making friendships to last a lifetime are bragged about every time you read something about the college program; however, we tend to not hear about returning to reality after the program. Being home for two months now, I have had enough time to reflect upon my journey and realize how thankful I am to be home, but also how hard it was to leave. The list below describes 11 realities of life after the Disney College Program.
11. For many people, going home entails going back to a cooler climate. (Iowa winter, I’m already dreading you).
Regardless of whether you interned at Disney World in Florida or Disneyland in California, the climate was warm. Returning home to a cooler climate is one of the hardest adjustments ever, especially when you live in a place that winter brings blizzards and below zero temperatures.
10. You can no longer answer the question, “Where do you work?” with the answer, “The most magical place on earth.”
Once I returned home, I could no longer say, "I’m a character attendant and I get to hang out with the Disney characters." I had to begin saying “I was a character attendant.” The moment I realized the past tense was actually needed was a rough couple of minutes.
9. Wearing Mickey ears is no longer the biggest trend in the area.
When living in Disney, wearing Mickey Mouse ears wherever you go is the normal. However, if you were to wear those same ears in your hometown, you would more than likely get some odd looks.
8. You actually have to begin attending classes again (if you haven’t already graduated).
This is probably one of the biggest adjustments to make. For a whole semester, your time was spent working and playing, going back to studying and reading textbooks is a really tough adjustment. But on the plus side, your study music has become all your favorite Disney songs.
7. Feeling bored most becomes a permanent emotion for a while.
Unlike Disney World, home doesn’t have four theme parks, two water parks, and a giant shopping complex within 10 minutes of your apartment. Finding different activities to fill your day is extremely difficult and results in the phrase, “I’m bored,” more than you would like to admit.
6. Unfortunately, pointing with two fingers isn’t normal anywhere else, except at Disney.
The moment I got home and used my two-finger point, people looked at me like I was nuts. Regardless of the weird looks, I hope to hold on to this odd habit because it constantly reminds me of my time at Disney.
5. Post-Disney depression is a real thing.
There’s not much to talk about this one, but there comes a point where all you can think about is returning to Disney.
4. At first, everyone back home will ask you about your time at Disney, but after a while, the excitement will wear off.
For the first month of being home, whenever people see you, questions will come up all the time, and it’s wonderful because it allows you to continue living the Disney dream. However, there are only so many questions for them to ask, so eventually the questions will end and people will begin to go about their normal lives again.
3. Your love for Disney has increased since you began your program (if that is even possible).
I was always told that I was Disney obsessed before even applying for the program, but after the program, my obsession for Disney has turned into a love. I love the theme parks, I love the company, I love the characters, and I love what Disney represents. Sorry to all my friends and family back home, but my Disney obsession has grown to an all-time high.
2. Your time at Disney starts to feel like a dream.
After you’ve done all the talking about the program, you realize that those four to six months spent at Disney feels like a dream. Did I really live in Florida? Did I really have Mickey Mouse for a boss? Looking through your camera roll and pictures definitely clarifies that it was not in fact a dream, but instead the best time of your life.
1. You have to say goodbye to lifelong friends who turned into a family away from home.
This last item has been the hardest for me to realize. While working at Disney, I made some of my best friends who turned into a family because we spent so much time together. After Disney, seeing them everyday isn’t always a possibility, but these people will always hold a special place in your heart. And when you are able to see them again, the magic picks up right where it left off.
Working for the Disney College Program is unlike any other experience. There are so many good experiences that happen while working down there, and I am beyond grateful that I was chosen to participate in this unique opportunity. The magic witnessed and experienced at Disney will live on forever.