We all experience moments in life when we find ourselves emotionally drained, tired, or altogether feeling down. If you currently find yourself in one of these states, or even if you don't and simply want some inspirational tid-bits of advice, be sure to check out the quotes below, which serve as reminders that happiness is always within our grasp.
1. Wise words from Aseop
This quote reminds us that kindness is always valued--both when giving and receiving. Never take the little things for granted.
2. Advice from Italian novelist and poet Cesare Pavese.
Reaching joy is a process, the first step of which is simple: commit and begin!
3. Thoughtful sentiments from the Dalai Lama
It's important to remember that happiness is not something that is just handed to you, nor something you get to pick out. Happiness comes from within, from your own actions. So go out there and claim it!
4. More thoughtful sentiments from the Dalai Lama
Compassion is one of the few forces in the world powerful enough to bring about immediate and long-term happiness. Dalai Lama implores us to never forget this.
5. Good advice from an anonymous well-wisher
Only when we accept others, accept ourselves, and feel accepted can we truly be happy.
6. Benjamin Disraeli imparts important words of advice
While our actions may not always result in happiness, we cannot attain happiness unless/until we take action and fight for our own contentedness.
7. English poet and playwright Joseph Addison reminds us what matters
Only when we seek out our similarities instead of our differences will there be more peace in the world.
8. Chinese philosopher Confucius imparts wise advice
The Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Despite the fact that it is a commonly-used adage, it still holds much merit.
9. More wise words from Aesop
Aesop reminds us that deriving comfort from the misfortunes of others only results in our own misery.
10. Dennis Waitley imparts wisdom
People who reach true happiness do so by planning and taking action, not by simply anticipating results.
11. And lastly, some important advice everyone should remember from the greatest doctor of them all: Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss, in his unique and quirky way, reminds us that change results from ordinary people who see a cause and are passionate enough to fight for it.
All of these quotes remind us of what is really important in life, and how we can seek out happiness for ourselves. If you're ever in need of a pick-me-up, or simply some positive thoughts, feel free to refer back to these wise words of advice--they truly do revitalize and ease the soul. Our brain and soul are some of our most valuable tools in life. As a result, we must keep them strong, positive, and healthy. In the famous words of Dr. Seuss, always remember to "think and wonder, and wonder and think."
*All photos by "saul saulete" on flickr. All photos licensed under Public Domain License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/