Everyone gets stressed and overwhelmed sometimes, but not everyone knows how to cope with stress in a healthy way. It's harder to function when you're stressed. You don't sleep as well. You might freak out over the little things, because everything else is piled on you. Whether it's your family, friends, work or school stressing you out, these simple techniques give you ways to calm down. Start by taking a break, and then choose some things from the list.
1. Take a breath
Breathing along with this gif is a quick and easy way to calm down and reduce anxiety. It forces you to focus on your breathing and take deeper, slower breaths.
2. Drink some hot tea
Nothing is more calming to me than sitting with a hot cup of tea. Normally I'm a coffee addict, but when I'm super stressed the last thing I want is to shake from more caffeine. When drinking tea, I like to focus on the warmth, steam and scent of it. Focusing on that small cup just pulls my thoughts away from everything else I was worried about.
3. Listen to your favorite song
Nothing else really matters when you're jamming out to your favorite song. Sure it will end in 3.5 minutes, but if you need to chill out for longer, there's no harm in putting it on repeat.
4. Ground yourself in the moment
Focus on what you can feel, hear, smell, and see. Connect with the world around you, even if that is just your bedroom. Can you hear noise outside? What kinds of surfaces are you touching? Where are your hands and feet? What smells are there? Try to describe the area around you in as much detail as possible.
5. Light incense and candles
I love incense because of how strong it is. You have to focus on the smell, so make sure you like it. And I love watching and playing with the smoke. It's something very simple, but can it gives you a little thing to focus on instead of everything that's stressing you out.
6. Talk to someone about it
We all need help. If you have a bunch of things going on, talk to someone! Call your mom. Bitch to your friends. Tell your professor you're freaking out. There are resources all around you. There are people who want to help you. You just have to let them know you're struggling.
7. Smell some essential oils
Like incense, essential oils are another great thing to focus on if you're stressed. There are tons of options to choose from, and each one has a different purpose. So, you can research which one will work best or just smell the samples until you find the one you like the most.
8. Go on a walk
Get out of the library or your room. Go outside. Hear some birds. Remember there is always something bigger and more important than whatever is stressing you out. It is only one grade, date, person, year. You'll be OK. Clear your head and remove yourself from the negative energy you've been storing in that environment.
9. Touch the softest thing you own
Hold your favorite stuffed animal. Wrap yourself in the coziest blanket. Put on your softest, most fluffy pajamas. Just be a burrito for a minute and enjoy the comfy things around you.
10. Draw something
Just doodle in an old notebook. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't even have to be a happy drawing. Just do something with your hands, and focus on whatever you're drawing.
11. Write out all your thoughts
If you don't want to talk to others and art is more stressful than calming, just write. Write down every single thought that is bouncing around in your head. Write until your hand hurts. Write until you aren't thinking about the stressful things. Keep writing until you're writing about fun things, happy memories and weird what if's.