There seems to be a stigma against being in a relationship during college years. Many times relationships end when college begins, or do not even have the chance to develop because both sides are currently in college. Being in a college relationship myself, I have been asked many blunt questions regarding this topic. I am sure that you can relate if you are, or have ever been, in a college relationship.
1. Don't you think you are missing out on the "college experience?"
This question is the one that I have been asked the most. Somehow having the full "college experience" now means that if you are in a relationship, you will miss out. However, being in a relationship does not mean that you are not allowed to have fun with friends, meet new people and experience new and exciting things. It is only a matter of balancing it all.
2. Do you even get to have fun?
Of course you still have fun. Not only do you get to have fun with your boyfriend or girlfriend, but you get to have fun with your friends at school as well. Relationships are supposed to be fun anyhow.
3. Why don't you use this time to become your own person?
Another misconception is that being in a relationship during college hurts your ability to grow into your own person. It is very much possible to become your own person, on both sides of the relationship, while remaining together.
4. Aren't you wasting your time?
This question is harsh because it shows negativity towards being in a college relationship. If you are in a relationship that makes you happy, you are not wasting your time. It is that simple.
5. Don't you end up fighting all the time?
No. Of course, there are people in relationships who do. That may be a sign that it is not working out, but that is not how it goes for everyone.
6. Isn't it hard being apart at school?
While many people in relationships do go to the same school as each other, this question hits home for those who do not. Although it is hard at times, this is only a push in the right direction in terms of becoming your own person while being together.
7. Why would you want to be responsible for another person? Aren't these years supposed to be all about you?
This question ties in with number three on the list. While being in a relationship means that you are responsible for thinking about another person, this does not mean you cannot be selfish (in a good way). Like I said before, it is all about balance.
8. Don't you ever wish you were single?
Whether you are single or in a relationship during college, it is natural to wonder otherwise. However, if I did wish I was single, I would be.
9. Isn't it hard spending your free time with friends at school?
While it is hard at times to divide your time between hanging out with your boyfriend or girlfriend or hanging out with friends, it is very possible. The only reason that there are instances of someone forgetting about their friends for their boyfriend or girlfriend, is when they allow it to happen.
10. Wouldn't it be easier to be on your own?
While in theory it sounds like it would be easier, this all depends on the relationship. Being on my own would mean missing out on a best friend who is constantly picking me up and making me a better person. Therefore, it probably would not be easier, but isn't that the point of being in a relationship?
11. Is it worth it?
It is worth it. Having a relationship in college is not the evil that it is made out to be. I believe I can speak for everyone in a solid college relationship by saying it is possible to still have a college experience, spend as much time as you want with friends, and become your own person all while maintaining a successful relationship.