1. Where did my money go?
Well, I got paid on Friday and it is Monday and the only thing I can afford is Roman Noodles? I think I may have a problem here.
2. Why is my engine light on again?
Maybe if I hit a pothole hard enough, it will turn off, just like last time.
3. Where is my full tank from yesterday?
All I did was drive to work , okay maybe I took a little detour on the way back, maybe where there is a lot of mud...?
4. Why is my Jeep always broken?
Well, I did go offroading yesterday, and the day before and like 5 times last week.
5.Why doesn't UPS hire me my own deliverer?
I mean, I think I order enough Jeep parts, don't I get a new shipment in every week? Okay, every other week, my paycheck comes in biweekly.
6. Why do people stare at my Jeep?
It's a Jeep, you've never seen one before? Okay, okay, okay, I do kind of like it when people look!
7. Why don't other Jeepers wave back?
I'm not just a random stranger waving at you in the grocery store while I'm buying my Roman Noodles for the week. I'm a Jeeper! Wave back!
8. Why don't I save my money instead of buying Jeep parts?
Because, look how good my Jeep looks now!
9. Why am I never happy with the time and money I've put in my Jeep?
Because, there is just so much room for fun activities.
10. Why doesn't everyone own a Jeep?
Well, that would be a lot of people to wave at, maybe not everyone should have a Jeep.
11. Why do I still love my Jeep?
It's like my child, I nurture it, fix it when it has a boo-boo, and even feed it...a lot.