There is a new President in the White House. We all know what that means: debates, rallies, and most importantly, Facebook fights. In 2016, everyone has their hands on social media. Every second new articles, tweets, Instagrams, and Facebook statuses are posted regarding the election. To some people, Facebook is a place to post their opinions. To others, it's a mask they can hide behind to say bold things they wouldn't say otherwise. For me, it's a space where I can post pictures of my so-called fabulous life, funny thoughts regarding the weather outside, or what I cooked for dinner.
A new hobby of mine is logging into Facebook and scrolling through the feed to see all the politically themed Facebook fights going on. Right-side, left-side, all-sides seem to want to release their inner middle schooler and let someone who disagrees with them know that they are w-r-o-n-g. In the end, people who participate in these events end up upset. In the back of their head they know that they've wasted the entire day thinking about something that doesn't matter. You have your opinion, they have theirs; a Facebook fight is unlikely to change that.
With that being said, here's a few things you can do instead of posting your political opinion on Facebook.
1. Go outside.
Whether it's 30 seconds or 30 minutes, in that time that you're planning to say something snarky about the political party that you don't agree with, you could be outside getting some much needed Vitamin D.
2. Send an encouraging message to a friend.
While you write out a book to post on your coworker's Facebook status that you don't agree with, you could be sending lots of nice messages to your friends. It's much more effective to make someone's day instead of trying to ruin it.
3. Cook something.
Weaved in with all of the political Facebook posts are videos from Tasty, Tastemade, etc. Instead of writing out an angry post that will result in comments that will make you even more angry, go bake the "Ultimate Sugar Cookie." You know you've always wanted to!
4. Read a book.
It can be "The Hunger Games," like Miley is reading, or any other book you've wanted to read. If you can't bear the thought of thinking about anything besides the election, inform yourself. Read all about the candidates and the hot-button issues. Then, in the back of your head, know that you are informed, and don't need to post on Facebook to prove that to anyone.
5. Call your mom/dad/grandma/grandpa.
They would love to hear from you! Take advantage of the time you have with your loved ones, it will be more valuable in the long run than that Facebook fight you proclaimed yourself the winner of.
6. Look up pictures of baby animals.
Puppies, or bunnies, or baby pandas. You have your phone/laptop open to write out a senseless comment anyway, so close that tab out, and go to Google instead. Small animals bring happiness, political one-liners do not.
7. Register to vote.
A funny thing to note is that some of the people that enjoy getting involved in the political drama aren't even registered to vote. Instead of writing a passive-aggressive comment on someone's blue or red tinted profile picture, go get your registration taken care of.
8. Eat a Snickers (or any other candy you like).
You're not yourself when you don't.
9. Write a letter.
Get that aggression out! Write a letter listing out all of the reasons that you are correct and everyone else is wrong. Next, read your letter, recognize how silly you sound, be thankful that you didn't put that where anyone could see it, and rip it up.
10. Go to the gym.
Some of my best workouts have been when I was irritated about something. Take a look at Facebook and instead of telling everyone your opinion when you see something you disagree with, hit the gym in its place. "Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy!" Happy people don't get in Facebook fights.
11. Go for a swim.
Think about it, have you ever been a part of a Facebook disagreement and not been annoyed afterwards? Guys and dolls, we may not be able to stop Facebook fights, but we can make the personal decision to not participate. Let bygones be bygones and don't get caught up in it. Post about something fun instead, like how pretty it is outside!