Spring is a time of detoxification and cleansing the body and our environment. Want to reduce the toxic chemicals and pollutants in your home this spring? Start by using all natural cleaning products, an air purifier and adding plants to your living space! Plants also reduce stress and anxiety! Here are 12 of my favorite low maintenance, gorgeous house plants that will lift your mood and give you cleaner, fresher air to breathe.
*All of these plants are for the most part easy to manage and can be found on NASA's clean air study, which I recommend checking out when you get the chance.
1. Peace Lily
Cleanses the air of the three most prominent pollutants found in homes.
It's on the top of NASA's clean air study!
Caring Instructions:
Likes bright indirect sunlight.
Water only once a week.
2. English Ivy
One of the best on NASA's list!
Caring Instructions:
Doesn't need much sunlight.
Water with room temperature water when the soil is dry.
3. Snake Plant
Cleanses the air of formaldehyde found in toilet paper and cleaning products.
Perfect house plant.
Caring Instructions:
Likes drier conditions and some sunshine.
4. Aloe
Cleanses the air of harmful pollutants (benzene and formaldehyde.)
Wonderful for cuts and burns.
Needs a lot of sunshine!!!
5. Rubber Tree
Super low maintenance.
Gorgeous plant.
Likes indirect sunlight.
6. Spider Plant
Cleanses the air of poisonous gases.
Look beautiful in hanging baskets.
Will thrive in almost any condition.
Likes a little bit of sunshine.
7. Succulents
So many different kinds! I'M OBSESSED.
Water only once a week or when the soil is starting to look dry.
8. Golden Pathos
Cleanses the air of carbon monoxide and benzene.
Likes a variety of light conditions but not direct sunlight.
9. Chrysanthemum
Removes harmful pollutants such as ammonia and xylene.
Likes bright indirect sunlight.
10. Bamboo Plant
Adds moisture to a dry environment.
Removes the air of toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene and chloroform.
Likes bright indirect sunlight.
11. Colorful Desert Gem Cacti
Will brighten up your space!
Water every 10 to 14 days.
Loves the sunshine.
I hope this article inspires you to add some of these lovely plants to your space!