High school was a great time for me, but there are something I regret doing and regret not doing. I want to ballpark that in the last 10 years high school has changed into this monster that requires so much of its students that parents just no longer relate and that just lost many fun elements. It has been four years since my time in high school, but as I watch my sisters grow in high school I think of all the things I wish I could have done now. Please all you kids in high school, learn from my mistakes.
1. Be yourself.
This is so cliche, but so true. College really is a place that you find who you are and I am by no means the same person I was in high school. There are so many things I wish I would have said even if that meant losing a friend because I would have been true to myself. I know that if I could go back to high school as the person that I am now, I would have had an even better time.
2. Get more involved in the things you love.
I was very involved in high school, but not always in the things that I loved. College and social thoughts really affected me and my organization decisions. I wish now that I could go back and join clubs that were actually interesting to me, and not only ones that made me look good to people.
3. Spend more time with your family.
This is my biggest regret from high school. While you should spend lots of time with your friends, your family is your family forever. College has shown me that it is my family that has been there for me in every step of my life, so spending a little more time with my mom than going out every night is something that I wish I could go back and change.
4. Don't be a bully.
Whether you think so or not, but sometimes we are all bullies. I know that when I was in high school I said horrible things about people that I still think about. And even though it might not affect you now or it was just a small comment, it affected that person more than you ever thought it did. In high school, everyone is a bully, but we don't want to admit it.
5. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Sometimes I was a bully, and sometimes I was bullied and not just by strangers but friends. I was scared to stand up for myself because I thought I would lose my other friends if I said anything, but now I know that that isn't true. Now I wish I had been the one to stand up for what I believed in.
6. Have more school pride.
You only go to high school one time. Go to all the games, go to all the concerts, be involved, and be proud of where you came from.
7. Make this time about you, and not college.
High school has become so stressful that many students only focus on what can make them look better for college. You are a just kid, do not put this pressure on yourself. Have fun and just be a kid while you can.
8. It's okay to only have a few close friends.
Everyone in high school wants to be popular even if you say didn't, you did. You wanted everyone to like you and think good things about you. You try to be a friend to people that don't even deserve to be your friend. Remember that you don't need to please everyone. Be faithful to who you are.
9. Don't let drama control your life.
There are plenty of times that I can remember when I thought some dumb rumor would ruin my life. It didn't, I am 100% fine. It seems like a big deal and I know I thought it was, but there is no high school drama that could ruin you forever.
10. See your friends as much as you can.
Somewhat sadly not all of your high school friends will be in your life forever. And most of the time it isn't for a bad reason, you just grow apart. It's okay, no one will hate you for it. Just see them as much as you can.
11. Don't regret a moment.
Don't be like me; don't regret anything.