The Top 11 Most Philanthropic Celebrities | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 11 Most Philanthropic Celebrities

Some celebrities do more than just donate their money to philanthropy.

The Top 11 Most Philanthropic Celebrities
The Daily Beast

Whether they're talented actors and singers, born into fortune, or famous for their political involvement, these celebrities do more than just donate money to good causes. Being rich and famous isn't about simply handing out freebies; it's about taking time out of your busy celebrity life to give back to the world. These 11 stars surely don't disappoint in that department.

1. Tina Fey

She’s a woman that puts her gift of comedy to good use in more ways than one. Creator and star of the hit series "30 Rock," Fey supports multiple platforms, including Autism Speaks and Mercy Corps. On her birthday this past May, instead of receiving presents, Fey took the stage to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Putting her improv skills into practice, Fey was able to make the audience roar as she auctioned off many of her belongings to raise money for the cause.

2. Lady Gaga

This eccentric lady has not only supported multiple foundations, but also started her own. In 2012, the Momma Monster launched the Born This Way Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission to empower young people, focusing on topics like self-confidence and career development. During her Born This Way tour in November 2012, Gaga visited the children of the shanty town Cantagalo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was photographed interacting with the kids, and even surprised them when she got up to join them in kicking around a soccer ball. Later that day, she tweeted, "Today was the best day I've ever had, had so much fun. I'll never forget Rio, you lit my heart into flames.”

3. Johnny Depp

Not only has he donated millions to multiple children’s hospitals all over the world, but Mr. Depp also takes time to interact and meet with these children with complex and life-threatening conditions. Back in July, Depp visited a children’s hospital in Australia, giving the kids a day they would always remember. The star showed up dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, the mischievous and adventurous character from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. Thanks for making our hearts melt, Johnny.

4. Angelina Jolie

She and Brad Pitt may arguably be the most handsome couple on earth, and these two waste no time when it comes to philanthropy. In 2006 alone, Angelina and Brad donated over $8 million to charities across the globe. Angelina’s years of dedicated service and missions with the United Nations led to her appointment as an Ambassador of the agency, where she deals with issues at a more diplomatic level. Both Angelina and Brad continue working towards a better tomorrow through their active involvement in nations struck by poverty and conflict.

5. Cristiano Ronaldo

A young man from humble beginnings, Ronaldo knows how hard it is to work your way to the top. He’s always encouraged youngsters with a passion for sports to shoot for the stars and never give up on their dreams. With his love for children, Ronaldo has continually donated his money and time to multiple children’s hospitals around the world. During the FIFA World Cup in 2014, Ronaldo called attention as he sported a new haircut with a zigzag stripe on the right side of his head. The soccer star did this as a tribute to match the scar of a young fan that underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. Ronaldo also paid the entire sum of the young boy’s medical fees. A magician with a ball at his feet, and a man with a big heart? We’ve got to give this guy some credit.

6. Beyoncé

Perhaps one of the greatest contributions this woman has made was through her founding of the Survivor Foundation. With the help of her fellow Destiny’s Child star Kelly Rowland, the pair provided aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Beyonce has also campaigned with multiple anti-hunger platforms, including Feeding America and the Houston Food Bank. As the co-founder of CHIME FOR CHANGE, she also strives to help young girls better themselves. Keep shaking what the good Lord gave you, Queen Bey.

7. Leonardo DiCaprio

Maybe he hasn’t won an Oscar yet, but this guy is on a mission to help preserve and protect the environment in any way he can. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has raised millions of dollars by auctioning off prizes like private tickets to an Elton John concert, and a home on Leo’s Belize island. Leo stated, “Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity… We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet.” Some award-worthy words and actions, wouldn’t you agree? We’ll definitely do our best Leo!

8. Lebron James

The Cavaliers star doesn’t just “wow” the crowd with his free throws. Philanthropically, James has actively supported organizations like The Boys & Girls Club of America. Recently, he spoke out against gun violence in response to the third fatal shooting of a child in Cleveland in the past month. Through programs associated with his Lebron James Family Foundation, Lebron is working to make a positive impact and help put a stop to this issue, among others.

9. Prince William and Prince Harry

Despite the common stereotype, these Royals don’t just sit around and drink tea all day while the British Parliament deals with the important issues. This dynamic duo has invested a substantial sum of their fortune into The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry (renamed today as The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry). The brothers were brought closer together after the death of their mother, Princess Diana, and have been recognized globally for their philanthropic ambition and spirit. Their foundation has donated to multiple organizations and causes, including providing support for the physically and psychologically damaged veterans of the Armed Forces. In January 2010, William, The Duke of Cambridge, said, “We are incredibly lucky, Harry and I. We know that. But both our father and our mother instilled in us, from the word go, that with these great privileges goes an absolute responsibility to give back.” All the more reason to love these charming young men.

10. Paul McCartney

As a member of one of the greatest bands of all time, Paul McCartney has not only been active in the music industry for many years, but has also shown his perpetual support for animal rights. A vegetarian since the 1970’s, Paul has served as a spokesperson for PETA, and narrated their short documentary “Glass Walls” about the inhumane treatment of farm animals in slaughterhouses. Paul knows he can’t make everyone a vegetarian, so to encourage people to give up meat for one day a week, he created the Meat Free Monday campaign. A single day out of the week definitely isn't so bad. We applaud your efforts, Sir Paul McCartney.

11. Michelle Obama

The First Lady of our nation has shown her support for some great causes, and even started the Let’s Move campaign in an effort to reverse the trend of childhood obesity. Thanks to Mrs. Obama, healthier options are now being offered in schools across the country, along with other programs to increase physical activity among school children. We’ll be more than lucky to have the next First Lady be just as influential as you, Mrs. Obama.

These celebrities are just a small sampling of the good ones out there. It's such a relief to hear some famous people being good and acting selfless for once, and thank goodness these celebrities do!

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