You made it! After weeks of writing research papers, working on final group projects and studying for exams you're finally home. You packed up your life and now you will not only procrastinate unpacking, but relish in the temporary co-dependence of living under your parents' roof. So sit back, recharge, and get back into the swing of being home by going through the 11 phases of coming homes from college for the summer.
1. Bliss at having your bed back.
Don't even bring up the words dining hall this summer.
3. Starting to feel lost with all of your extra free time.
No mom, I'm not just staring at a screen--I'm multi-tasking.
4. Making a plan of all the things you want to get done.
OK, time to get back into the zone. Summer goes by fast and I need a plan.
5. But not being able to function until you catch up on the sleep you lost during finals week.
The look on your parents' faces when you try to explain this one. What can I say, health comes first.
6. Feeling better when you realize at least you're not responsible for doing laundry anymore.
7. When you hear grades are up.
"So we beat on."
8. Distracting yourself by getting back into the rhythm with your best friends from home.
I take my long distance relationship with my best friend very seriously.
9. Feeling nostalgic and missing your circle of friends from college.
It just feels strange not being able to meet up for late night pizza or lounge in the common room with my suite mates.
10. Realizing technology is a beautiful thing and suddenly everything's okay again.
Prepare to be bombarded by Snaps. And you better reply in a timely fashion.
11. Getting some type of routine down and it's like you never left.
After all, there's no place like home.