If you're ever lucky enough to get the chance to live with your best friend, absolutely do so. Living with your best friend offers so many life-changing experiences, from movie-style karaoke sequences to learning how to love a person like never before. This one goes out to my best friend MaKenna, and to every pair of loud, crazy best friends just like us.
1: Every night is a sleepover.
It's like being eight years old again--cookie dough, scary movies, blanket forts--anything your heart can dream, except for it has the potential to happen every single night. Living with your best friend means unlimited sleepovers, and if that's not a good enough reason, then I don't know how to sell you.
2: You'll always have someone to check that outfit for you.
You'll always receive an honest answer to, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Bonus: You have an entire extra closet to shop through! Unlimited options!
3: A shoulder to cry on is right next door.
Rough night of studying? Stupid boy problems? Just emotional AF for some reason? Throw on some pajamas, grab some Ben & Jerry's, go hop in your best friend's bed and let them take on the roll of therapist.
4: A karaoke partner is always nearby.
It's like a moment from "High School Musical," you put on a song and ten seconds later your best friend runs in, and you both bust into coordinated song-and-dance routine.
5: You'll learn how to forgive and forget, quick.
It isn't going to be all rainbows and butterflies, and there's going to be some problems here and there. The good news is you guys are best friends, so nothing is going to be able to keep you apart for long. All it's going to take is five minutes of silence and a quick "I'm sorry," and you'll have your bff back.
6: You'll always have your own personal manicurist.
We all know that it is damn near impossible to paint your nails with your less-dominant hand. That's where your best friend comes into play! Make me fleeky, girl.
7: You'll learn how to love someone in a whole new way.
You'll see all of them--the good, the bad, the ugly, the naked, everything. Knowing and seeing this much of someone is going to open up a whole new realm of loving and caring that you never even knew existed.
8: You'll never leave the house without your own personal hype-woman.
After all, that is one of the top roles as a best friend. Whether you're about to go out, ace a final or talk to that guy you have the fattest crush on, your girl has your back, and she'll be there hyping you up the whole entire time.
9: She'll be able to pick out the bad guys before you can.
It's like a best friend sixth sense, being able to spot out a snake in the grass from a puppy in the field. She's going to be the true friend and give you an honest judgement instead of just going along with the ride, and it's going to be best if you listen to her instincts, too.
10: She'll always be there to hate your ex boyfriend just as much as you do.
And she'll keep you in check if you start slipping. She'll call you out real quick if she sees you texting that loser again, and you'll be thankful AF.
11: You'll create an unbreakable bond.
Living with your best friends takes the relationship to a whole new level. From the late night ice cream runs to the stress of paying bills for the first time, it is one of the greatest things, greatest experiences you could ever have with another person.