There comes a time in every television watching generation where a classic is made; a show that describes life to a tee. Through nine seasons, "The Office" has been a source of true sarcasm and humor which reflect our lives. Though we may not all work for the paper supply company, Dunder Mifflin, we can certainly relate to the antics and struggles of its workers.
1. How you feel after paying for club dues, textbooks and tuition.
When you owe three hundred dollars to your sorority but only have $20 in your bank account, it can be a problem.
2. How we all feel about finding references for essays.
If it wasn't hard enough to find information on David Hahn, the radioactive boy scout, now professors want it to be from a peer-reviewed academic resource, too?
3. And then you start writing the essay.
Writing essays on subject you have no idea about really helps you master the art of making up things.
4. When you pass by someone really attractive on campus.
Let's be real. Sometimes you just can't help but stare.
5. When you try to eat healthier, but realize you like junk food too much.
“I don’t understand the desire to push sweet potato fries on me. I just want regular fries." - Jim. No matter how hard you try, you can't your love for junk food.
6. And you, therefore, decide ice cream is a good choice for breakfast.
This is what people really mean by it's five o'clock somewhere.
7. When someone says something really, really annoying in class.
There's some people you can't help but wonder about.
8. When you're ready to go out and conquer the night.
Outfit: on point. Makeup: on point. Hair: on point.
9. But all the frats are at capacity.
Waiting in line outside for a half hour is probably the least fun part of the night.
10. When your teacher assigns four projects, three essays and six homework assignments all at once.
Sometimes it just feels better to binge watch Netflix and ignore the pile of work you have on your desk.
11. When someone says anything even slightly sexual.
You know everyone's thinking it.