The first real month is finally here, which it means it time to do all of your favorite fall (Halloween) things.
1. Wear black all the time.
Color coordinating become so easy.
2. Eat pumpkin flavored things.
But only the non-basic kind. Just kidding, they’re all delicious.
3. Decorate your house with pumpkins
Wheelbarrows full of pumpkins.
4. Light those pumpkin and cinnamon scented candles.
The smells of Heaven.
5. Wear big sweaters and leggings.
Basically dressed-up pajamas.
6. And boots.
All 334 pairs of them.
7. Wear Halloween socks with everything.
Preferably bright orange and purple knee-highs.
8. Eat Halloween candy.
They wouldn’t put out this early if they expected you to wait until Halloween.
9. Watch scary movies 24/7.
But really just watch Hocus Pocus.
10. Wear clothes with skulls and skeletons on them.
The only time it doesn’t feel like middle school.
11. And, of course, start on that Christmas list.
It’s never too early to plan your future.