Myth 1: Changing your major is impossible. Funny story, actually. I did not have a major until my first semester of my junior year, and I am graduating a semester early. So the answer is no, it is not impossible.
Myth 2: If I have not heard of a college or university, it cannot be very good. Ever heard of Brandeis University? Many people have not, but it is actually ranked above many well known schools, such as Boston University and Penn State.
Myth 3: College is four years. Many people graduate in four years, but many also graduate in three, five, or even six.
Myth 4: College is so much harder than high school. College is not harder than high school; it is different. There are far less daily homework assignments, far more reading assignments, and this just makes it very different from high school.
Myth 5: The freshman 15. Try the freshman 40, because this is a much more accurate representation of what really happens. My advice: skip the 3 a.m. Whattaburger and do yourself a favor and Google how many calories are in that bottle of wine because it will absolutely amaze you.
Myth 6: Your roommate compatibility forms will match you with your best friend for the rest of your life. I just LOL every time I hear this because, in the majority of cases, this is nowhere near true. Despite my few friends who are still BFFLs with their freshman roommate, this is false. The majority of people get through the year by being cordial. Some get through, amazed they are still alive.
MYTH 7: If you join a Greek organization you will only hang out with people in that organization. That is your choice! If you want to just hang out with people in your chapter, then go for it. However, the majority of people hang out with and often live with people in other chapters as well.
MYTH 8: College is a non-stop party, and the best days of your life. College is fun, but college is stressful. Somehow every semester you always end up with four tests, two papers, three sorority events, and an interview all within two days. That is not a party…
MYTH 9: You will keep in touch with all your old friends Correction: you will keep in touch with the people you make an attempt to keep in touch with. That means less than ten, probably.
MYTH 10: Professors are mean, cold or don’t care. There are something called office hours, and those office hours are your school’s gift to you. This is a time when your professors have to answer your questions, and quite often they give you way more help than you ever expected you would get.
MYTH 11: You will get to take only classes your interested in because you get to choose all your classes. I wish! The majority of the classes you will take are for your major, and the classes that are not for your major will be classes to fill your core requirements.