Dogs are like people; they can be happy, sad, and downright pissed off. After a while, you get to know the many faces of your pooch pretty well, and they seem to be pretty universal. So for all you dog lovers out there, here are 11 faces that I'm sure you know all too well. And if somehow you haven't seen one of these yet, don't worry, I'm sure your dog will fix you with that face soon enough.
1. The "I Didn't Do it" Face
You may not know what they did, but your dog sure looks guilty. Show me the shredded toilet paper roll, you aren't off the hook yet.
2. The "Guilty" Face
Part two of the "I Didn't Do It" face. You have now found whatever they destroyed, shredded, peed on, or knocked over. And maybe you decided to punish them with some dog-shaming: make a sign describing their offense, snap a pic, and send it out to all your friends. What fun!
3. The "RUFKM" Face
Whether you hid his favorite toy, didn't share your peanut butter toast, or stopped petting him isn't the point. The point is you messed up (again) and your furry friend knows it. You probably know this face pretty well... especially when there's food involved.
4. The "Don't Leave Me" Face
Why do you even bother trying to leave the house anymore? You know you're going to get fixed with this sad face, and break his heart if you actually go. This is your dog's most important face, they probably practice it in their free time to make sure it's just perfect.
5. The "You're Home!" Face
By far the best part of having a dog is the greeting you get when you come home:
"I knew you would come back! I'm so happy to see you! I love you!" *wags tail*
6. The "You Cheated on Me!" Face
"I can't believe you petted another dog! What type are they? Do you think they're cuter? Softer? More cuddly? How dare you. This is the ultimate betrayal."
7. The "I'm Sorry, Are You Talking to Me?" Face
"Come here!"
"Roll over!"
"Ugh. Never mind."
8. The "Treat, Please!" Face
Your dog probably has been staring at you, then the treat box, back and forth until you finally break down and throw 'em a bone. They always win this battle, no matter how much begging it takes.
9. The "Walk Time?!" Face
If your dog had it their way, it would probably always be walk time. They stare you down, stare at the door, cry, grab their leash, whatever it takes. Just as long as you take them out and let them sniff everything.
10. The "Nap Time" Face
What your dog looks like 95 percent of the day. Doesn't matter where they are or what time it is, in doggy world, any time is a good time for a nap.
11. The "Let's Play!" Face
Of course there's a reason your dog takes so many naps, they have to be well rested to win! They'll use pretty much anything for a toy, even if it isn't meant to be one (or isn't theirs), and most likely, you see this face when you just sat down to relax. Oh well, looks like you were wrong, it's playtime!