College definitely gives everyone a wide range of emotions throughout the semester. With early morning classes, free time with friends, and the oh-so-ever super late nights writing papers, college is an up and down rollercoaster. There's only one Youtuber who could express the multiple feelings we have as college students, and that Youtuber is Markiplier. So, here's a list of eleven moments that you might have during your semesters in college.
1. When you first come to college.
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Whether you're a new freshman or you're coming back to college as an upperclassman, you're happy to be back! New adventures are about to begin. Who knows where college will take you this time? Being excited for the new year is a great feeling!
2. When the first few weeks go by and you realize things are getting harder than ever before.
Again, no matter if you're a freshman or upperclassman, as the year progresses classes will get harder than you've ever actually experienced. This leads to the shock of, "Oh crap, I better get my life together!"
3. When you start packing up your stuff at 12:28, then your teacher tells you to stop because, "We still have two minutes of class left."
This is an ever occurring thing, especially in college. Okay, we all get it Teach, you want us to really learn and understand the subject. You care, you really do, and us students realize that, but don't try and scramble something up for us to learn in the last few minutes!
4. When your eating breakfast then remember you have an exam next class that you haven't studied for.
Probably the lowest moment of your day. This is when you have a decision to make. You could either try and scramble to study, getting your books and going through page after page try to remember the material. Or, you could realize that taking this one loss for the day was probably gonna happen anyway. Either way, you're probably not gonna do that well... right?
5. When you get that same test back and see you got a good grade on it anyway.
Wrong! Oh glorious day! This is a delightful moment in your week, especially when you thought you were gonna take an loss and fail the test! Good for you dude! Just remember to study next time, then maybe you could even get a better grade than you did.
6. When it's 3 a.m. and you're so close to finishing that paper!
You finally hit your breakthrough in the early hours of the morning and you're typing like a madman! You know that sleep is your sweet reward that is upon you, so you rush to finish the paper that's due the next day!
7. When you wake up and check your email, only to find out that a class has been cancelled!
Finding out a class has been cancelled is honestly one of the greatest feelings ever. Even if it's your favorite class, you still find joy in not having it because now you have free time to do whatever. You could catch up on class work, take a nap, procrastinate, who knows? It's up to you now that you're free!
8. When you visit home for the first time in forever and you see your favorite pet again!
Going back home for a break is sometimes needed in college. Especially since you haven't seen your favorite animal in forever! There's no putting your bags away first or saying hey to the neighbors, you go straight to your cutest best friend and love on them dearly.
9. When there's an open house and you see all the prospective students checking your school out.
It has nothing to do with them checking your school out, you love your school! Although, you still laugh to yourself because those seniors in high school don't know what's coming for them in college. It's a whole new ball field.
10. When finals are about to begin and it's time to get serious.
It's that time of the semester... finals. No matter how you've done in your classes before finals week, this is the essential time to sit down, study, and study hard. This could make or break your entire semester! It's an intense time, but you can do this!
11. When you've been praying for finals week to end... and it finally does.
The stress of finals officially ends when you take that last exam! You're finally free! Now you get to enjoy the break ahead of you... until next semester, when you get to do it all over again.