As a girl with naturally almost platinum-blonde hair, I have so many stereotypes thrown at me every day. Based on the portrayals of celebrities and other blonde people in the media, girls with blonde hair are all the same, fitting the exact same beauty standards and lifestyles, but with a society as progressive as ours, we need to start realizing that everyone is different. Not every blonde girl is the same.
1. Blonde girls are dumb.
The most commonly known stereotype of all girls with blonde hair: they are dumb. As a child, blonde girls have people teasing them about “blonde moments,” or times when they would say something stupid or forget something obvious. In reality, though, the color of a person’s hair has nothing to do with their level of intelligence.
2. Blondes welcome cat calling
People assume that blondes are promiscuous and welcome catcalling from strangers. They are known for being willing to do anything with or for a guy, but the truth is that no one should be catcalled.
3. Girls with Blonde hair have natural beauty.
People believe that hair color determines level of beauty. It is as if a girl with blonde hair could wake up and be completely ready, without having to do anything to change her appearance. Obviously, every person is beautiful, it is up to the individual and their confidence, but in order to fit societal standards or even how a girl wants to look, it is believed that girls with blonde hair can wake up perfect. This is definitely not the case.
4. Blonde girls are mean.
It is often believed that girls with blonde hair do not care about other people’s feelings. Along with this, girls blame “RBF” (resting b**** face), for the reason people assume that they are mean. This is false though, because the color of a person’s hair does not determine their personalities.
5. Blonde girls are not well spoken.
People think that blonde girls speak like the stereotypical “valley girl,” using “like” too much and not having a wide vocabulary, which effects their public speaking. This ties in well to intelligence levels assumed of blonde girls. Girls with blonde hair can be just as well spoken as any other person. Hair does not effect learning ability.
6. Girls with blonde hair tan easily.
This one is quite simple. Blonde women in media are portrayed with the perfect tan, but not everyone with blonde hair can tan naturally, nor can they afford to get constant spray tans. Blondes do not always get what they want.
7. Blondes dress to impress everyday.
8. Girls with blonde hair are the epitome of health and fitness.
People believe that all blonde girls are blessed with the six pack abs and defined biceps and teeny waist that will help her to achieve anything from getting boys to fitting into fancy clothes, however, blonde girls have to work just as hard as others to get their ideal bodies. They can enjoy cheeseburgers as much as any other person, and they will have to workout just as much, too.
9. Blonde girls do not play real sports.
Along with the previous point, society has made it look like girls with blonde hair do not play real sports to achieve fitness goals, but they do things like yoga and pilates. In reality, though, girls with blonde hair can play any sport they like.
10. Girls with blonde hair are only interested in themselves.
The self-absorbed, perfect lifestyle portrayed by the media is far from the truth. Girls with blonde hair do not only care about things that effect their own lives, they can care about anything, it is dependent upon the individual.
11. Blondes have the perfect life.
Their instagrams are coordinated, they have the perfect rooms, the perfect looks, and everything about their lives fits a “tumblr” lifestyle. This is so far from the truth. A lifestyle is really determined by the person, not the color of hair.
Society places beliefs and pressures on girls with blonde hair to live their lives and to look a certain way. Each of these stereotypes assumes something about the person based on hair color, but this is such a shallow way to determine how someone lives their life. Hair color has almost nothing to do with the individual person, life depends on how you choose to live it.