Psychologists have found and my own personal life experience shows that if you made a goal public you’re more often likely to complete it. There are some things that would really improve my life and in the lives of the people around me; I just haven't found the energy/time to DO them. My friends IRL and on the interwebs, I’d love it if you kept me gently accountable to my 2017 goals. I'm ambitious so I thought up 11 of them! :0
1. Intersectional Feminism be a more significant part of my daily actions.
The Internet has helped me educate myself, recognize my privilege and start my journey as a active feminist. Now it's time to take it on the road offline.
2. Leave 5 minutes earlier for everything.
If I see my friends on campus, I can stop to chat or if I forgot something I can run back to grab it or I can stop to admire the plants in the garden or the ducks in the lake or something.
3. Take the time to really care about people on a human level.
“No really how are you” and make an effort to reach out to people who could use my support or a listening ear.
4. Communicate better.
Why do I always assume the whole universe can read my mind?
5. Related: Keep in touch with people better.
Just because I only text you once a week doesn’t mean I don’t love you… sigh
6. Write non-academically during the academic year.
Thanks to @CerianJenkins for inspiring this one with the #sleepy poetry she posts on Twitter that are always gorgeous
7. Use a calendar effectively.
#StillCantAdultYet #LifeGoals #GetMyLifeTogether #ImNotActuallyAHotMess
8. Be child-like sometimes.
Adults can like puppets, stickers, chalkboards and braids too.
9. Speaking of hair… finding a fashion style.
I need something that works both for my laundry habits and my sense of self-expression. There must be something in between preppy grandma and college student grunge. A haircut to go with it would be nice.
10. Laying out my clothes the night before.
My mom has been suggesting this for a decade now and it still hasn't happened...
11. Read more diverse literature.
Break out of the constrains of the literary cannon. People who aren't old white dudes have written some pretty awesome stuff. *Old white dues should not take offense at above statement ;)
Well can I do it? Happy 2017 everyone- the year that Lydia tries to reach perfection lol.