“Supernatural” is not just a gripping TV show made for jump-scares, eye-candy, nail-biting action, and heartfelt emotion; it offers so much more beyond its high entertainment value. After 11 wonderful seasons, there are dozens of meaningful messages that the audience can take away from watching the show. I’ll mention 11 of them in honor of the 11 seasons, some of which are sure to strike a chord with you.
1. Stand by your family
Family above all, even when they drive you batty — and that includes the family not bound by blood, too. Sam and Dean will do absolutely anything to protect their cherished family, and they stand by their family through thick and thin. A timeless message of familial loyalty and unconditional love.
Bobby is family
Kevin is family
Cas is family
And there are so many others who are honorary Winchesters as well.
2. It’s okay to lose
As Sam says to Dean in season six, “We’ll lose some, hopefully we’ll win more.” No one should be faulted for failing, all that matters is doing the best that you can. Stay optimistic throughout the good and the bad. Believe you can win, and if you don’t, keep your head up and try again.
3. Be forgiving and move on
Relationships in the show have been tested countless times, but forgiveness is almost always granted — at least by the Winchesters — because holding grudges is a waste of time and energy, and people make mistakes, human or not.
4. Your past doesn’t define you
Based on their messed up childhood — murdered mother, often-absent father, no constant home — you’d think the Winchesters would be crooks or psychopaths, but they rose above their past and became heroes, showing the audience that they can do the same. Who you are is dictated by choice and by freewill; don't let your past shackle you.
5. You don’t need superpowers to be a hero
Sam and Dean aren’t gifted with superpowers like the classic heroes — spiderman, batman, superwoman — but they epitomize what a hero should be. The fight to save civilians on a daily basis, selflessly and tirelessly. They are tenacious and brave. Sam and Dean prove to the audience that anyone can be a hero as long as they’ve got the drive to stand up for what is right and do everything they can to help people.
6. Hugs make everything better
Hugs show you care. Hugs make people happy. Hugs are awesome.
And don’t forget, Dean “wuvs hugs” too.
7. Never underestimate your peers
Sam and Dean’s many foes have often underestimated them, viewing them as helpless humans rather than formidable opponents, a false presumption that leads to their demise. People can be tougher than they appear; don’t automatically count someone out because of what they look like or who you think they are.
8. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes
There is no definitive blueprint of a hero. Heroes can be any gender, race, age, size, etc.
We’ve got our tough-as-nails sheriffs
Our dauntless teen hunters
Our lovable Garth, and many more.
9. Being afraid doesn’t make you weak
Sam and Dean are some of the strongest characters on TV, and guess what? They are not completely fearless. Yes, more often than naught, they approach horrific situations without trepidation, but each have normal fears, like clowns and flying.
10. It’s okay to cry
Contrary to popular belief, crying is not just for babies or sissies or whatnot. Crying is human and not humiliating in the slightest. Everyone is different. Some people are ultra emotional, others less so. If you are the former, don’t be embarrassed to cry, it means you have a heart!
11. Always keep fighting
Last, and arguably the most important of the lessons learned in the show, “always keep fighting” is exemplified in every single episode. Sam and Dean never give up, no matter how impossible a situation seems. No matter the losses, the self-doubt, the agony, the heartbreak, the misery — they keep fighting. Giving up is not an option, just as it shouldn’t be an option for anyone watching the show either.
Jared Padalecki, who plays Sam in the show, even has an “Always Keep Fighting” campaign, urging his fans to use that as their mantra.
Here's me in one of his super comfy AKF sweatshirts
What do you know, TV shows can spread valuable messages after all! Next time you watch your favorite show, try and see if there are any lessons to take away, if not for your own curiosity's sake, do it to get your parents off of your back when they say you spend too much time "rotting your brain."