"How to Get Away With Murder" is back and better than ever! Besides all the twists, reveals and countdowns to the season finale, one underrated gem of the series is its one-liners. Between the first and third episodes, there are enough to describe your life in a nutshell, but here are a few that you probably hear at least once every weekend.
1. "Bring me back some tequila while you're in Mexico, I'm sick of vodka."
Change is natural.
2. "We're screwing."
When there's no smooth way of breaking the news of your new boo.
3. "Yeah, my girlfriend? I told you about her."
"Ohhh, I didn't know that was still a thing."
4."That's the problem, I always am doing things for other people. I just want to do what's best for ME."
5. "Damn the girl's cocky."
"Well, you'd understand if you gave me a go at that ass."
6. "Honest truth? I'm lonely."
When you finally come to terms with yourself.
7. "I'm an alcoholic."
Every weekend.
8. "I can't be in a relationship with someone who is literally the opposite of everything I stand for."
This is true.
9. "I don't remember anything from that night."
"Not a lick."
10. "Either accept the fact that you are just a meat stick to me, or we can end this."
When your FWB gets too attached.
11."I love you...and I need you right now more than you know."
All you need is love.