Starting at the age of five, we go to school for eight hours a day, five days a week, until we are 18. Many of us continue on to go to school for four years after that. School has taught me a lot: some things that I haven't used since I graduated, and other things that I use every day of my life. There are some basic life skills that I wish I had learned in school, though. Most schools have done away with HomeEc or Shop classes. Some people might say, "Well, isn't it the parents job to teach kids these things?" To an extent, yes -- but we're also in school for eight hours a day. So, why not incorporate these into the school day? Most of these things my parents have taught me, or tried to teach me, but many of them I wish I could do better. So, here are a few of the things I wish they would teach in school.
1. How to cook.
Yes, I know how to cook -- but I wish I knew how to cook better. I took a cooking class in college and learned so many things about cooking, and the science of cooking, that I never would've imagined. If students were taught these things in school, it would better prepare them for when they get out on their own. Then -- maybe -- they would be able to cook more than just Ramen and mac and cheese.
2. How to sew.
This is a basic life skill that I think everyone should know. Yet, the majority of people my age have absolutely no idea how to sew with a sewing machine, or a needle and thread. I know, to an extent, as I took sewing classes when I was younger, but I still wish I knew how to do it better.
3. How to change a tire.
After I started driving, I honestly didn't know how to change a tire for the longest time. Now, I know how to change one, but if I ever had to, I probably wouldn't be able to do it by myself. There are so many people I know that don't even know where to begin when changing a tire.
4. How to do my taxes.
If I ever had to do my taxes, I would have absolutely no idea where to start. Anytime I have to fill out a tax form for a job, I have to call my mom and ask what I'm supposed to put in each box.
5. How to build credit.
For the longest time, I had no idea what credit was. This is something they should definitely teach in school. Some kids don't have parents, or people, in their lives to teach them about building credit. Thankfully, my parents have taught me about it and taught me how to not end up with debt while building credit.
6. How to make a budget and stick to it.
This is also a basic life skill that should be taught in school. This is something that people have to use everyday, and for the rest of their lives. Yes, our parents can teach us how -- and should -- but there could be teachers that know more about it and some students don't have people in their lives that teach them things like this.
7. How to balance a checkbook.
Even though this is becoming a skill we don't need as much anymore, this is still something that everyone should know how to do. If nothing else, at least know how to write a check. I know people my age that don't even know how to do that.
8. Survival skills.
Knowing basic survival skills is something that everyone could use. Whether you ever have to use them or not -- it is just helpful to at least know them. We rely so much on our cell phones now that if we were to get stuck somewhere without it most of us wouldn't know what to do. I know I wouldn't.
9. Self-Defense.
Knowing basic self-defense skills is something everyone should know. I wish I knew them, and it is definitely something I plan to learn. Once again, whether you ever have to use it or not -- it is something that would be nice to know. It would be great if we could incorporate things like this into P.E. classes.
10. Better study skills.
This is really something I wish I was taught. I didn't have to study that much in high school, because most subjects came pretty naturally. So, it was a rude awakening when I got to college. Every student should be taught how to study, and different methods that could work best for them.
11. How to write a resume.
I had a couple classes that we went over how to write a resume for a day or two, but we never went super in depth. I wish I would have been taught how to write a professional resume -- since this is something that everyone needs to know for the future.
These are just a few of the basic life skills I think should be taught in schools and talked about more often. I wish it would be put in the core curriculum to bring back HomeEc or similar classes.