Tina Belcher from the hit cartoon TV show, Bob's Burgers, is quite the character. Her witty responses and boundless confidence teach us all something about life. Although I could go on forever, here are some of the most important lessons Tina has taught us.
1. It's better to be down to earth.
2. Expressing your emotions is a healthy, normal thing to do.
3. Always give your family pep talks in any way you know how.
4. There's nothing wrong with letting your confidence show.
5. Being a hopeless romantic is not always a bad thing.
6. It's okay to admit when you went too far (and might need help).
7. Sometimes you have to be brutally honest.
8. Ask questions, even if they may be outrageous.
9. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to get things done.
10. Don't be afraid to be yourself even when people are watching.
11. Always be honest about what you want.