If you're a human being on this planet who is not living under a rock, then you are well aware of the American take on the British television show, "The Office". More than just a simple comedy, however, "The Office" offers countless life lessons in each episode.
Join me as I reminisce about the good times with Michael Scott (don't get me started on Robert California) and the life-altering lessons shared from the family of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
1. It's okay to have a bad day
Not everyday is going to go your way, and that's okay. No matter the day's outcome, though, we have to remember that tomorrow the sun will still come up, and we have the power to determine how our days will go.
***If viewers had a dollar for every time something didn't go right for Michael, we would have been able to afford to pay Steve Carell to stay on the show... I'm not bitter (yes, I am).
2. Don't forget to celebrate little victories
Whether it's getting out of bed on a hard day, successfully conversing with a stranger, or having the longest engagement, the littlest accomplishments deserve a celebration.
3. Stand firm in your beliefs
One thing is true about Michael Scott: He never wavers in his hatred for Toby Flenderson. We should take that concept—his unwavering, unceasing devotion to his cause—and apply that to the things that truly matter to us. When push comes to shove, we cannot afford to sway on what really matters.
4. Know where your priorities lie
We live in a world where every media outlet is throwing new ideas and lifestyles at us. When push comes to shove, we need to weed through the static and focus on what really matters in life (food). Without priorities, we are merely floating from one inconsequential thing to another.
5. Be vulnerable
This one is hard for me, but so vitally important. Trust is built on honesty, and honesty requires vulnerability. Whether it's Prison Mike opening up about his prison experience or you opening up about your past, worthwhile friendships require openness.
6. Shoot for the stars
When we aim for things that are easily attained, we settle for mediocrity. Only by setting our sights on incredible, but risky, goals will we achieve something as spectacular as having people scared of how much they love us.
7. Expect hardship
It can come in the form of hurt feelings, a closed door on a long-time dream, or more obstacles in the path of success than expected. No matter what it is, hardships will come. The more you anticipate the struggle, the better equipped you'll be when it arrives.
8. Fake it 'til you make it
Even in the midst of struggle, however, don't forget to fake it 'til you make it. Let's just be real here: Being a functional adult is hard. 90 percent of the time, people are just moving through life pretending that they have everything put together. If you act like you know what's happening, eventually you'll find it along the way.
9. Find your person... and stick with them
10. Don't sell yourself short
11. Have fun
Never take yourself too seriously. In the office, in your house, or in your school, don't lose sight of what makes life a whole lot more exciting: Lighthearted fun and games.May Michael Scott rest in piece, and may Jim and Pam's marriage last throughout eternity.
Thanks for all the memories Dunder Mifflin. We couldn't have made it through without you.