Since the summer of 2014, I have held 3 family and youth ministry internships. Growing up, I loved being in a youth group. A youth group is the teen group within a church congregation. It's when teens 12-18 years old can hang out together and do life together. Having been involved in youth ministry while I was growing up to being able to be an intern 3 times within a group group has been a humbling experience, as well as a rich blessing in my life.
I have devoted this article to 11 lessons that I learned throughout these experiences, and hopefully if you have the chance to be with teenagers too, you will be changed in the ways that I was.
1. Have fun in life!
Being in youth ministry, you have to let loose. These kids are young and they are still in the phase where they still want to just enjoy life together and to have fun.
2. Be Open:
These teens are still learning and growing in different aspects in their life, whether that is in their faith walk, or just going through normal life changes, so if you can let them know of the lessons that you have learned, they are more open to trust you to help them with what they are going through.
3. Listen:
Unless they ask you a question, or want to know about a story that you have done, teens just want someone to listen to them on what they have to say.
4. Always Participate in Activities:
Within family and youth ministry, you have to be willing to do anything when it comes to activities, whether that be playing water kickball, or hide and seek in a dark church building.
5. Communication:
Family and youth ministry is people-oriented, so there are numerous times, when you have to communicate with someone every day.
6. Be Real:
Having to be around different types of teens, you see different personalities, so show your personality as well to them to.
7. Support Them:
Teens need attention and support. In youth groups, there are many different interests, so you have to listen and talk with them with the different activities and sports that they are involved in. Sometimes, the biggest cheerleader in their life, is also their youth ministry intern.
8. Get to Know Their Family:
While you are getting to know the teens, you will eventually get to know the families of the teens as well.
9. Love Them:
Being a family and youth intern is the reason why I love being around the teens of today. I am able to apart of their lives and see them grow spiritually, in their athletics, in their extra-curricular activities, and academically, which is special when later on, they tell you how much they appreciated you being there for them in those moments.
10. You Become a Better Planner:
Family and youth ministry has taught me to become a better planner. I have to be in contact with the ministry staff to meet deadlines and to talk about logistics of a trip, and I have to account for each teen that will be going to an event.
11. You Ultimately Grow Yourself:
Family and youth ministry took me out of my comfort zone many times and because of that, I am more wiser.