College is a time to learn. Not just intellectual things either. I learned so much during my time in college, and I know I learned stuff that will be useful (and not so useful) in my everyday life. There are good times, and bad times during everybody's college years, but that's just part of it all. So what did I learn?
1. How to "budget" money.
Having freedom means having freedom to spend money on whatever you want, but eventually you will have no choice but to learn how to balance the spending between books and booze.
2. Late nights and too much caffeine really do pay off.
Getting an A on that paper you stayed up until sunrise while running off coffee and Red Bull to write makes all that worth it, and it becomes second nature.
3. Friends will come and go.
Just like high school. It's rough, but some stay and some go,and that's okay.
4. Family becomes 100x more important when you don't see them every day.
You miss your family, plain and simple. After depending on them for 18 years, it's hard to leave, but it makes seeing them again so much better.
5. The word minimum on a paper is easily the worst thing ever.
How do you expect to answer 1 simple questions in a minimum of 800 words? Lot of fluff.
6. Any event with free food is an event worth going to.
Free Pizza? Free burgers? Take advantage of every free opportunity in college, that's a given.
7. Your GPA might not be the same as it was in high school, and that is okay.
College is tough, so it's okay that you aren't the straight A student that you were in high school.
8. Appreciating home-cooked meals is so much easier after you spent 2 months eating dining hall food.
Dining hall food isn't awful, but it sure does make you miss the home-cooked meals Mom makes.
9. BS-ing anything is actually pretty simple.
From a class discussion over a book you haven't touched, to a paper over an article you did not read, you can always find a way to BS your way through it.
10. How to step outside your comfort zone.
From new people, to new experiences, your comfort zone is bound to be left.
11. Have the best time without realizing it.
Sure you think you had a good time at that party last night, or you had such a fun time with your friends yesterday, but all that adds up to be the best time in your life.
College is a such a fun time, and you will learn a ton. Mostly academically, but you will learn some useful life tips like these. So soak in every moment you can!