The time to make a path for the next year is upon us. "Next year will not be as bad as 2015," we always tell each other. "This year I will get my life on track." The resolutions set for 2016 are usually not based on reality or reasonable at all, and therefore they usually do not last.
Here are the most common New Year's resolutions made every year:
1. I will start exercising more.
2. I will lose weight.
3. I will not drink as much alcohol.
4. I will stop smoking.
5. I will save more money.
6. I will volunteer more.
7. I will advance and work harder on my career.
8. I will read and learn more.
9. I will spend more time with my family.
10. I will enjoy life more and experience new things.
11. I will not break these resolutions.
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