Your first semester of college will be full of life lessons. Each college student learns new likes and dislikes, what worked and what didn't. Things are going to happen unexpectedly, but it's important to learn, grow, and adapt to your new surroundings, whether you're 40 miles away from home or 400.
First semester of your freshman year can be a little bit nerve-wracking, but don't let that stop you from having fun! Plus, it's a lot better when you know what to expect. To help ease into the new semester, I've prepared a list of 15 things I learned my first semester, and hopefully you'll take away a few things for the new beginning.
1. The laundry room is a dog-eat-dog world.
The first day you walk in, you will see a lovely view of about a dozen washers and dryers open and ready for use, but little do you know, those won't be near enough after people realize mom and dad won't be there to wash their clothes. Yeah, maybe the 500+ college kids won't be washing their clothes at the same time as you, but a dozen washes and dryers won't be near enough for the students who do decide to wash their clothes. Learn to find a time to wash and dry your clothes when it isn't entirely busy. Also make sure an alarm is set so no one messes with your clothing and accidentally dries something of yours that shouldn't be dried.
2. Shower shoes are not a suggestion; they are a requirement.
Someone does come to clean the bathrooms multiple times a week, but they can't remove the bacteria hiding away in those showers. Even if you are "immune" to the bacteria in your bathroom, shower shoes are a requirement, not a suggestion. A friend of mine got staph infection on her college campus from the bathrooms and, unfortunately, learned the hard way about the importance of shower shoes. They can be a cheap pair of flip-flops from the local Walmart.
3. The girls you meet during orientation week probably won't stay around forever.
Moving away and being on your own for the first time can be scary, so many of us put on the biggest smile we could and make as many friends as possible. These people, though, won't necessarily be the ones that stick around to be your "BFFs." Real friendships come with time, so don't worry when you lose contact with the first friend or friends you make during your first few weeks of college.
4. College isn't always exciting.
Don't get me wrong, my first semester of college was great and I'm so excited to go back after winter break, but it wasn't always exciting. Unfortunately, college is not like it is in the movies. There isn't constant partying and fun times, college is time consuming with papers, quizzes, lectures, and exams. College comes with a large amount of studying weekly. So if you ask any college student if how much time they spend on schoolwork, don't be surprised!
5. Work piles up if you don't prioritize
There are so many opportunities to have fun in college. Getting involved in lots of clubs and meeting new people is important, but if you don't prioritize your studies, it's very easy to fall behind and become overwhelmed with the amount of schoolwork that needs to be done. The beginning to the end of the semester is a lot less time than it seems so working hard and staying on top of assignments and exams is crucial to doing well.
6. Social media will make you think everyone else is having a better college experience than you.
This is not true. Social media is meant to shine a light on all the fun parts of life, but many people don't post about the difficult times they experience. It's really unavoidable. There are going to be times where you are envious of your friends and peers, but just know each person has their own struggles in college just like you. We all get through it!
If this does happen to you, maybe try doing something to avoid social media. Try a social media detox, where you can take time away from all things online and enjoy time with friends without worrying about someone else's latest post.
7. You will realize you took having your own room for granted.
This is one of the hardest things I struggled with during the first few weeks of college. Going from having my own room to a traditional style dorm room with a roommate, it was difficult to find alone time when I was feeling homesick or sad. However, don't let this ruin your college experience. Your college campus is big enough for you to find a secret spot to relax and be by yourself when needed. There are so many ways to make your dorm room feel like your home away from home, so get to the latest DIY projects.
8. Not everyone will have the same personal hygiene standards as you.
This is one of the most difficult concepts to master, especially if you're the kind of person that showers after one drop of sweat falls from your body. Unfortunately, the definition of "clean" isn't the same for everyone, so this new hygienic difference between you and yours peers will take some getting used to. There's not much else you can do besides worry about yourself and stick to your personal hygiene plan!
9. If someone offers to drive, don't decline the offer.
Free rides are the best rides! If someone offers to drive, DO NOT DECLINE! A lot of freshmen are not able to bring their cars to campus, so it's pretty nice when one of your friends has four wheels to get you to and from the local Walmart. And if you're the one with the car on campus, go out and explore your new town! Find a job close to campus or a volunteer opportunity at your local animal shelter. The opportunities are endless when you have a car to get you (and your friends) where you need to be.
10. You won't wear a fraction of the cute clothes you brought to college with you.
This is one of the truest statements I could post. I brought enough sweaters and dresses to make me look cute for an entire semester, but I failed to realize what my real attire would be for class days. All I really needed was an endless supply of leggings and enough oversized t-shirts to last me until laundry day! A helpful hint when you begin packing, make sure you have an abundance of the basics -- leggings, tennis shoes, hoodies and crewnecks. It's college, be as comfy as you possibly can! (You also may not have as much room as you did when you were living at home, so pack smart.)
11. College flies by.
Even when the school part is tough, any college student will tell you that college goes by quick. No matter how hard classes and exams might be, the semesters will fly by, so use your time wisely because there isn't nearly enough of it. College is a time to have fun and be free. Before you know it, you're going to have to "adult" everyday.