What I learned/experienced from living through Michigan winters for 18 years.
1. You will get snow no matter what
It will be a lot of snow. Lake effect is in control.
2. You can make any size snowman, just depends whether you want the grass visible or not
Both are possible with that much snow. Honestly, there will probably be about a foot by the time you finish building it.
3. It will be cold so put your heavy coat on
Nothing you haven’t handled before. Add some Uggs and the outfit is complete.
4. The snow sucks when driving
5. But the black ice is much worse
It's a slip and slide you can't see!
6. The roads may be fine, but your neighborhood is a danger zone
Thanks for not plowing,
7. Having a mountain aka snow bank at the end of your driveway
That you or neighborhood kids will make into a fort
8. Potholes, potholes, and more potholes
Because of them, flat tires are imminent
9. Any hill is a sled able hill if you try hard enough
10. Running in to make some hot chocolate is the best thing about this weather
11. Knowing that all Michiganders are dealing with this weather, too
It’s a bonding experience, and it prepared me well for college in Indiana.