I've been at my university for half of a semester now and I've learned a lot more than just what's in my ~overpriced~ textbooks.
1. How much and often a girl just needs her mom
At first, calling home made me too emotional. Now, I can't live without talking to my mom a few times a week. Whenever I'm not feeling the best, I need advice, or I just want to talk about my day, this woman is who I turn to.
I actually really love my sister
I say "actually" because there have been more times I can count in the past eleven years where I offered to give the kid to a pack of wolves. Being away from her makes me miss having someone to fight with, pick on, steal from, and to keep me on my toes.
3. The beauty of a home cooked meal
In my 18 years of life, I never thought I'd say the words "I miss broccoli". I shuddered when I said it out loud and knew I was serious. There have been times when I've thought if I ate fast food I would die. I went home and my dad ordered pizza and I was ready to cry.
4. The value of a dollar
I'm in college, therefore I will not be swimming in money any time soon, or probably ever. I'm very frugal and now barely ever make stupid purchases.
5. Multitasking is an art
I eat while studying, do homework while watching TV, and respond to emails while walking to class. I don't do anything at once anymore, I'd never sleep!
6. I'm pretty great at sleeping
I've always thought I was good at getting sleep, but now I KNOW I'm great at it. Sleep is the love of my life.
7. How loved I am
All the I miss yous and care packages make a girl feel really special!
8. How to be selfish
I still give when I can and do my best to be a selfless, genuine person, but sometimes ya just gotta say no. If I think something will affect my sleep, education, or health, it's a no from me.
9. Netflix is a beautiful, yet dangerous thing
I don't think I'd be able to live without Netflix, but it also tends to get me into trouble. It's why I stay up until dawn and why I procrastinate.
10. Nothing can replace my best friends
This is something that wasn't so much learned as it was proven. I've met so many people, and most of them are pretty cool, but my best friends are irreplaceable.
11. I took free time for granted
Complaining of boredom is a thing of the past. Now I'd love nothing more than having nothing to do.