As many of us may have experienced, it is difficult to get a job as a college student because, even though we may have a resume and much knowledge, it is considered that our knowledge is not adequate enough to get a job in the field we desire and our resume lacks a few very important aspects: a lot of experience and an earned college degree. So what do we do in the meantime? How will we make money? Here are some temporary jobs a college student could get in order to get by on credit card bills, groceries, and just life in general.
1. Working at a grocery store
I have been working a grocery store since I was 16 years old, and now I am 19, so I have been working there from high school to college. It is not my life goal to work at the grocery store, but it helps me get by until I am able to be in the field that I am going to college for. Many people do not like the idea of working at a grocery store because they automatically think of being a cashier, which they do not want to do. But, if you think about it, there are so many other things you could do such as working in the produce department, the electronics department, the meat department, non-foods, customer service, and so many more. There is bound to be a job there that best suits you.
2. Working at a clothing store
Still working in retail, but you are working with a whole different crowd and atmosphere. Instead of ringing up meat all day, you're folding clothes, working the registers, and opening up fittings rooms for people. You'll be on your feet a lot, but doesn't that go for most jobs you get?
3. Working at a restaurant
Tips, tips, tips! Oh, and did I say tips? In most retail departments, the employees are not allowed to be tipped without the threat of loosing their job. In almost every restaurant I've been in, the waiters, waitresses, and even the bus boys/girls are tipped. Tips could range anywhere from $1-$100; it's a nice treat!
4. Working in a fast food restaurant
Even though this may be everyone's dreaded job, it is easy to get and it pays good money. As you may have heard, workers in some fast food chain restaurants are getting paid almost $11 an hour. Even though it is unlikely to be tipped, or be allowed to be tipped, the hourly pay is great.
6. Get a job on campus
How much more convenient can it get? Especially if you are a resident on campus! Most campuses offer jobs to students, and the positions usually include office work, working in the athletic department, working the desk at the gym or in the security office, food service, book store clerk, and so much more; the options go on and on!
7. Babysit
This is one of my favorite jobs! Especially if you love kids, this is the job for you! If you think about it, as a babysitter, you're basically self-employed. The person that you babysit for usually asks you how much you'd like to be paid an hour, so this is your opportunity to pick a pay that is suitable for you. Also, the pay is off the books, so nothing is taken out of your paycheck!
8. Be a lifeguard
In my opinion, this is the perfect summer job because it literally only lasts the length of the summer. Because of this, you don't have to worry about not being hired because you have to go back to school in the fall. There may be some training required, but isn't it great to learn something new anyways?
9. Be a tutor
You're in college, so there must be something you're truly passionate about, and most likely it will be what you are studying to be when you graduate college. There is a huge need for tutors who are passionate about what they are helping students with, so it is very rewarding, not as demanding as a retail job, and you are able to come up with your own pay rate.
10. Work at an amusement park
This is another great summer job because amusement parks are essentially open in the spring and the summer, and it slowly starts to close when fall approaches. I would say that it is also fun to work at an amusement park, especially if you love roller coasters! Maybe you could be the employee who test drives all of the roller coasters!
11. Be an Orientation Leader at your school
You won't even need to explain that you have to go back to school in the fall because you'll be working at the school! This is a fun job, but it teaches you responsibility and leadership. You will gain a few great life lessons from being and orientation leader, and you will get to meet a lot of new people!