The 11 Least Intimidating Mascots In Division 1 Sports.
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The 11 Least Intimidating Mascots In Division 1 Sports.

I ain't afraid of no tree.

The 11 Least Intimidating Mascots In Division 1 Sports.
Austin Peay University

College sports, such as football and basketball, are quickly becoming more and more popular. I have even had people tell me they prefer to watch college sports over professional sports. This article is not going to talk about the difference between the two. Rather, I would like to inform people about the Division 1 league within college sports. As many of you sports fans can probably attest to, most people really only care about Division 1 spots. The NCAA classifies 351 colleges as Division 1 schools. That being said I think it's important to shed some light on the least intimidating mascots within this wide range of schools.

1. The University of Arkon Zips.

Before searching a picture of this mascot I had no clue what the heck a Zip was. Turns out it's a kangaroo. Kangaroos are cute and cuddly. They carry their babies in their pouches. While the kangaroo in the popular movie Kangaroo Jack was pretty B.A., most kangaroos seem like pretty calm creatures. So no, I am not afraid of the roo.

2. The University as Albany, SUNY Great Danes.

A Great Dane? Is that the best they could do? This dog literally looks like Scooby Doo. I was the world's biggest Scooby Doo fan growing up. Plus I love dogs. Most people like dogs. Nope still not intimidating.

3. The Austin Peay State University Governors

While it is true that Governors may have some power in the world of politics, they do not hold any power in the world of sports. Seriously it wouldn't be hard to pump up your team if you're playing the Governors. "Let's get out there and make sure they don't veto any bills today, boys!" Yep, still not scared.

4. The Boston University Terriers.

I think that this one may not need much explanation. I don't know about you guys, but when I see a terrier I say 'awe'. This particular terrier looks like Scooby Doo's cousin, Scrappy. I can't be intimidated by a small dog with a high pitched bark. Sorry.

5. The Campbell University Fighting Camels

This camel may look a bit tough but I assure you it is not. It's a camel for crying out loud. A one-humped camel at that! The worst this guy could do is spit on you. Pretty gross but not intimidating.

6. The University of Connecticut Huskies.

I'm not sure who comes up these mascots but I think they believed every person was a cat person and would be afraid of dogs. They were wrong. I can't be afraid of this big fluffy thing!

7. The Creighton University Blue Jays

I can't be intimidated by a bird. Unless that bird has a lion head or is an eagle or vulture. Blue Jays are pretty. No one is intimidated by pretty things. Okay some boys are intimidated by pretty girls but we're talking about sports here. So yeah I am still not afraid.

8. The Dartmouth University Big Green.

I searched all over Google and could not for the life of me figure out what a 'Big Green' was. The way I see it, you can't be intimidated by something that is quite possibly imaginary. The adjective 'big' does not scare me. The Big Green could be a grasshopper who knows!

9. The University of Delaware Fightin' Blue Hens.

Do the mascot creators think that all you have to do to make an intimidating mascot is add the word 'fighting' before? That is not the case. Hens lay eggs; they don't fight! Frankly, blue hens aren't even real. Once again you can't be intimidated by something that isn't real. The fake muscles are a nice touch, but I'm still not intimidated

10. The Stanford University...Tree?

You would think that such a prestigious school would have a more intimidating mascot. Sadly, that is incorrect. Stanford's mascot is a tree. I couldn't even tell you what kind of tree. I couldn't find it listed. In fact Stanford is cited as having a cardinal mascot. But Google search Stanford; all you'll find is this tree. Whether it be a cardinal or a tree, Stanford does not have an intimidating mascot.

11. The Indiana University Hoosiers.

Last, and certainly the least intimidating, is the Hoosier. I'm from Indiana and I couldn't even tell you what a Hoosier is. This devil pitchfork-looking thing does not strike fear into my heart though that is for sure. IU sucks.

Being from the GOOD Indiana school, I guess I can see why most other mascots pale in comparison. The Purdue Boilermakers are pretty darn intimidating. Though everyone recognizes Purdue Pete as our mascot, Purdue's true mascot is the Boilermaker. AKA a pretty B.A. train. No one wants to mess with a train. Alhough Pete's hammer is pretty scary. I'm sure the academics and maybe even athletics at the aforementioned schools are decent. However I'm sure no one is the least bit intimidated when they see these school on their schedule for the upcoming sports season.

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