11 Ideas You Can Do When You House Sit
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11 Ideas You Can Do When You House Sit

Ideas with what to do with your time while you occupy it at someone else's house.

11 Ideas You Can Do When You House Sit

Summer is the season of travel. Whether it's Disney World, the beach, New York City or somewhere international, people travel in the summer considering it's one of the most convenient times because of school being out, work slowing down, etc. But what happens when you leave? You have a house, an animal or a few and valuables- what happens to them when you leave? Well, you hire a house sitter! That's what you do.

Last summer I house sat for six weeks for a former teacher and family-in-love while they were in Cozumel. This week I'm house sitting for my boyfriend's family while they are in New York City, in a city I'm really not familiar with at all. This is the second summer I've been house sitting and trust me, time can go by slowly or quickly. It all depends on how you spend it! So in case you're house sitting or just stuck bored at home for the summer, I have compiled a list of 11 things you can do to pass the time!

1. You can go to work.

House sitting doesn't pay all the bills, and sometimes you don't get paid for the job (because you're doing the deed out of the goodness of your heart), so obviously you need to work. The dogs or cats won't die without you there for a couple of hours as long as you feed them and give them water (LOL), so you might as well go and make a few dollars for the day!

2. You can binge watch your favorite TV show.

I've been trying for almost a year-and-a-half to finish Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. I spent a lot of time last summer watching it and I'm finally on the last season. My boyfriend encouraged me to watch the last fifteen episodes while I was here, but USA Network has been having marathons of Law & Order: SVU, which has garnered all of my attention on the days I have been off of work.

3. You can actually play with the animals you're taking care of.

Instead of just laying on the couch watching TV, you can take the dog for a walk down the street or play with the cat and some of it's toys. Just beware of the rising temperatures outside if doing any playing in the heat.

4. You can write a blog.

If you're in an unfamiliar city, like I am, you probably won't leave the house much. I have only left to go to the doctor and to Walmart. Start a blog! You have a lot of time to think on your hands before the real people who live where you're staying come back so why don't you write it down and publish it! I'm writing this article, aren't I? (Insert winky face.)

5. You can go explore the city or town where you are staying.

Assuming you're staying in an unfamiliar city, like me, go explore it! Unfortunately, I've seen about everything touristy in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but that shouldn't stop you! Go explore downtown in the city: look at the shops, maybe visit a museum or eat at a place only locally known.

6. You can catch up on sleep.

If you're anything like me, you probably need to catch up on some sleep indefinitely. If you're not working- go for it!

7. You can clean up your life.

As if it was just as easy as saying it, or typing it, or reading it. But by "cleaning up your life," I mean clean out your email inboxes or delete those pics of your ex off your social medias. Clean up your life! I probably should really invest my time in doing this, especially since my iCloud email has 7,006 unread emails.

8. You can read that book you've been trying to finish forever.

I love to read. Unfortunately, I never really have the time or the motivation to do so. Read the book you've been trying to finish, or pick up a new one and read it.

9. You can cook!

Have a recipe you've been dying to try? Well guess, what? Now you have time to! So run in the kitchen and getting to fixin'.

10. You can clean (physically), clean up your life.

You may not be at home, but you still have a piece of home with you- go clean out your car! I'm sure you need to (or am I just talking to myself).

11. You can play with makeup!

Okay, so this may not be totally ideal for some of you reading this article, but before I left to come house sit, I spent $20 at ULTA and got some new concealer, a sexy new lip color and a highlighter from Makeup Revolution that Khloe Kardashian herself says will give you a glow like no other. So why not experiment with the new makeup, especially since you don't have anywhere to go?

Whatever you decide to do while house sitting, just don't turn it into Project X, be responsible and choose wisely, young jedi, what to do with your time.

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