When I read The Rabbit and The Hare, I learned that slow and steady wins the race. The Giving Tree taught children that sharing is caring. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling taught me multiple life lessons and is so much more than magic, brooms and spells. Here are my top 11 quotes from the Harry Potter series that I try to apply to my life.
-Albus Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore was a father to Harry when there was no one else to fill that role. This quote reminds me that, while it is good to have dreams, we cannot let those dreams take over and become a fear to do something a little crazy every once in a while.
-Sirius Black
Character is not what who you are in front of other people, but who you are when no one is around.
How many times do we find ourselves worrying about something that is going to happen? Hagrid reminds me that we are not in control of everything. We need to let loose of the reins sometimes and know that stuff is going to happen. As the old saying goes, "We will cross that bridge when we come to it."
-Albus Dumbledore
Dumbledore is talking to Neville Longbottom here. It is easy for us to argue and fight with someone we don't like. When it comes to our friends, most people sit back and don't stick up for what they believe in. Having the courage to stick up for yourself takes an enormous amount of bravery.
-Albus Dumbledore
Living life knowing someone you love has died is hard. You find yourself wishing they were still alive all the time. Dumbledore did not want Harry to focus on all the family he had lost. He knew that to live without love was harder than to live and have lost your love.
-Albus Dumbledore
This may be one of the most popular Harry Potter quotes. No matter how bleak a situation looks, there is always some happiness out there somewhere.
-Luna Lovegood
Luna was talking about her possessions, but this works for non-material things as well. There are times in our lives that we feel like we are losing someone, but most of the time, they are simply working through something themselves and they always come back to you in the end.
-Albus Dumbledore
There are people that were born into poverty that grow up, go to college, and make a great life for themselves. You and you alone determine how to live your life. Challenges will be thrown at you, but you have to decide how you will deal with them.
-Sirius Black
After you lose a loved one, you might feel that are gone. You look around and you see them everywhere, but you don't feel them. Sirius is reminding Harry that even though he doesn't remember meeting his parents, they are always with him. You have to look inside your heart, but you will always find the people you love.
-Albus Dumbledore
This is not just some idea that is specific to Harry Potter. Everyone knows that the right choice is not the easy choice. I am a really big fan of how Dumbledore phrases it. He points out that it is a choice. We may be pushed by others to go one way or another, but ultimately, it is our choice.
-J.K. Rowling
This one is not from the books but from J.K. Rowling herself. In interviews, she talks about how she would never have gotten to where she is now if she wouldn't have had the courage to send her transcript to editors. If we can live life with enough courage to do the scary things, our lives will be enriched to the fullest.