Everyone knows that college is a crazy and busy time during an individual’s life. We often find ourselves drowning in hours spent in lectures, lab, clinic, outside research, and work. This quickly becomes consuming. If you’re like me, you like to excel in your courses, and you like to learn. I love learning new things. The caveat, is that there is often a bit of a tradeoff between excelling, volunteering, working, having a social life, getting enough sleep, and so on. But, there really shouldn’t be that tradeoff—if we prioritize efficiently, we can balance a little bit of everything.
When I started college as a freshman, I attended a zumba class every Thursday night. Honestly, that only lasted for my first semester. After that, I began to work between 20 and 35 hours a week, and I simply couldn’t balance all of those things. Frankly, I was balancing everything else besides the opportunities that I was given to exercise.
Now, years later in my senior year of college, I have started from scratch. Before beginning my first week of classes at the end of August, I created a list. This list is currently on a corkboard above the desk in my room. Every morning I look at it and am motivated by it. So far, it’s worked incredibly well but obviously, it’s only been two weeks that I have been in school. However, I am committed to this, as I want to take the necessary steps to care for my self in the right way.
Here are the 11 things on my list that are helping me stay healthy in a mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional way:
1. Read five chapters of the Bible each week.
I’m trying to be more intentional with reading and comprehending the Word. For that reason, I’m only reading five chapters a week. Sure I can read a lot more, but I’d prefer to be able to understand what I’m reading and move at a comfortable pace.
2. Read one new book each month.
I love reading, and I just discovered that Barnes and Noble has a sales annex (what?!). So, I’ve recently picked up a lot of books for $2 or less. I like to read outside on benches or one a blanket anywhere that’s cozy. I already finished my book for September so I’m figuring out what to read next.
3. Try a new (general) recipe each month.
I love to cook! I take after most of the people in my family. I recently started a recipe binder that’s looking pretty thin right now. The three favorite things that I love to cook right now are: creamy potato soup, buffalo chicken wing dip, and stir-fry. Although I already know these recipes like the back of my hand, I want to learn more!
4. Try a new dessert recipe each month.
I have promised myself that I will try a new dessert each month to learn more baking techniques and have more recipes that I’m comfortable with. I’m typically a simple cupcake and banana bread type of girl but I’m trying to work on that.
5. Don’t buy unnecessary things (shoes, clothes, etc.)
This one is tough for me because I do a little too much retail therapy and I’m trying to work on it. So, whenever I go to a store with the kids that I nanny or with my mom, I often leave my wallet in the car. I can’t buy it if I don’t have cash or credit cards with me.
6. Attend yoga once a week.
I’m not flexible and my balance is terrible. But that’s totally fine. Nazareth (Naz) offers a ton of free yoga classes at nighttime and during the lunch hour in the chapel. Once a week, my friend and I go to yoga to have quiet time and do something positive for our bodies and minds.
7. Attend zumba once a week.
Wednesday mornings at 7 am…you know where you’ll find me? In the aerobics room at Naz with my friend. This means that I have to be up at 5:45 but we have decided to do this together. Zumba at this time in the morning means lots of things:
-you’ll pretty much have the class to yourself since other sensible students are most likely sleeping.
-you get to listen to awesome, loud music.
-you get a positive, energized, and happy start to your day.
8. Do painting/drawing exercises.
I’m not artistic—it’s not personal strength. However, sometimes I put on some music, sit at my dining room table, and use my art therapy book, or some blank canvases and begin to paint. There’s never really an objective for me. I simply paint to relax and not think about the other things that I have going on.
9. Do a ten-minute exercise/stretch routine.
Each morning, I have a little routine. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I get my iPod (yes, I still use my iPod), and I play a few songs. While the music is playing, I do the following stretches/exercises:
-2 minute tree pose on each leg
-25 push-ups
-50 jumping jacks
-50 squats
-50 torso rotations
I am by no means a gym fanatic. I simply like to feel healthy. This way, I get a healthy start to my day, I have more energy, and I get to listen to some of my favorite songs.
10. Eat healthier.
Each day for lunch I pack a healthy meal. It’s usually a spring mix salad with dressing, a fruit such as honeydew, vanilla yogurt, and water…lots and lots of water. It’s easy for me to throw in more convenient foods but in the short two weeks that I’ve packed a healthier lunch I have felt physically stronger and more energetic.
11. Think more positively.
The law of attraction is powerful. I know that a lot of stressful things will come to me this year with applying to graduate school and figuring out what I would like the next chapter of my life to look like, yikes! But, with a positive mindset, I’m finding that everything in my life is more calm and peaceful. And, with an optimistic approach, things don’t overwhelm me as much as they used to.Like I said before, starting a new routine is easier said than done, but I’m committed to working on this for myself. Without self-care, we fall apart. Remember to be kind to and take care of yourself.