For many of us, Sims is a fond childhood memory of getting free money through "motherlode" and playing chess to get promoted to a surgeon. Sadly, life dosen't work that way. Here are some other things that only Sims can do:
1. Use your computer underwater.
If you're tense, you gotta "browse the web."
2. Fix anything by banging it with a hammer.
The stove broke for the fifth time this week?
3. Gain charisma from talking in a mirror all day.
Gotta increase that charisma skill level for your job as a nanny!
4. Be stuck in the pool forever because there is no ladder.
I will just have to wait here until I faint from fatigue and die.
5. Not be able to move when ANYTHING is in your path.
6. Become one with your bff when you want to stand in the same place.
7. Have it be socially acceptable to not socialize with your date.
8. Have the laws of physics not apply to you.
You can't move because there is a chair in the way, but painting through doors is no problem!
9. Have your kid taken away when you just decided to see what would happen if you didn't care for your infant.
Wait, you're supposed to feed them?
10. Think about sea dragons while you are being proposed to.
Ah! British Nee Nah!
11. Have it be socially acceptable to marry someone you just had a friendly introduction with an hour ago.
After being married for 20 days, finally discovers that they have the evil trait.