Let’s face it, finals aren’t an easy going time. Trying to re-teach yourself everything from the past semester requires brain power beyond human ability and more coffee than affordable. But, just like High School Musical, while it seems impossible, we hope that it'll happen. So before you give up hope, here are eleven things from High School Musical to remember during finals.
1. Don't believe in a miracle
While cramming a semester's worth of information into your head the night before may sound like a good idea, that's a miracle that just won't happen. Also, thinking that it'll all just come to you while you're taking the final is much too miraculous to actually happen. Study!
2. Be optimistic
While it all seems impossible to remember every chemical formula and "important" historical date, be optimistic! You're capable of more than you think and there really isn't anything you can't do if you stay focused.
3. Detach yourself to stay focused
While Thirsty Thursday and bar study groups may sound like a good idea, they aren't. Trust me. Take some time to go your own way and get some actual work done.
4. Help each other
We're all stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling. We're all in this together, so work together and lend a helping hand. We'll all make it to an 'A' together.
5. It'll be fine
It's all overwhelming, but it will be okay. If you study and keep your head in the game everything will work out.
6. This is make it or break it time
This final exam grade could make or break your grade. So while you're studying, know that just overnight, your entire GPA could change. Make it for the better!
7. Be confident in yourself
For whatever reason, a tiny scantron seems like the most intimidating piece of paper ever created. It's not! Be confident, bet on it, and know that you've got this.
8. Rely on your support system
Your parents, your friends, and even your professors (believe it or not) all want you to succeed! When you're feeling out of sorts and need some support, just know that they believe in you.
9. Don't make up nonsense
If you're taking a calculus exam, clearly writing about the history of Mozart isn't the way to an 'A'. Make an "educated guess" and try your best. There's always points for trying, right professors?
10. Ask for help
If you do not understand, ask for help. Again, your professors really do want you to pass. Find a tutor, come in during office hours, ask a friend. Do what you have to do till you do understand.
11. There's a light at the end of the tunnel
After every final and every paper, there's Christmas break, grandma's cookies, friends from home, and a bed bigger than a Twin XL. So keep holding on and know that there's hope for a stress-free winter ahead.
Good luck with finals everyone! What team?! A-team!