On Nov. 25, Netflix debuted the mini-series "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life." The much anticipated release follows Lorelai and Rory Gilmore over the course of a year in four installments or "seasons." The show "Gilmore Girls" ended in 2007 after seven seasons. After eight years, the fan following of the show is as strong as ever, and the fans were eager and excited to reunite with their favorite characters. Here are the 11 best things about returning to Stars Hollow in 2016.
1. The rules in Luke's Diner
Luke was always a pretty traditional guy who values face-to-face conversation and when we left him in 2007, he had a sign behind his counter that admonished the use of cell phones in his diner. Unfortunately, he has a bit more technology to deal with in 2016. He's added a new sign that tells customers not to text while ordering or take pictures of their food. Throughout the episodes, Luke is also seen tricking his customers by giving them each a different WiFi password.
2. Lane's family
We left Lane and her husband Zack with their two newborn twin sons back in 2007. This year, we get to see her two boys who have grown into cute grade school kids and we finally get introduced to her dad, if only for a second.
3. The return of all three of Rory's boyfriends
Rory has had some truly memorable boyfriends in the past. Dean, Jess, and Logan were all good for her at different points in her life and it was, in a word, overwhelming to see them all again.
4. The Stars Hollow festivals that are present during every season
Festivals are part of what makes the town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut as charming as it is and there is no shortage of them in the reboot. From the End-of-Winter Festival to the Stars Hollow Summer Musical, there is something for everyone during every season.
5. Taylor campaigning the town for something wild, as usual
This year, it a town-wide sewer system. Would Taylor really be Taylor if he wasn't busy trying to "improve" the town?
6. Carole King's cameo
The "Year in the Life" episodes lack the theme song that accompanied "Gilmore Girls" for years: "Where You Lead" by the legendary Carole King. As a nod to the original show, King herself makes a cameo in one of the episodes as a member of the Stars Hollow community and even plays a few bars of one of her chart-topping songs.
7. The force of nature that is Emily Gilmore
Emily Gilmore was always a strong character, but the mini-series shows Emily as vulnerable while she is dealing with the death of her husband, Richard. Through the four episodes, she tries many different things to try and find herself again. Eventually, she finds peace in simplicity and figures out how to live without her husband by her side.
8. The return of Friday night dinners
Whenever Rory is in town, the Gilmore girls make it a point to sit down together for dinner. It may be awkward, but hey, what Friday night dinner isn't?
9. Lorelai and Luke's relationship
The two star-crossed lovers of Stars Hollow are finally together and it is about time. It is so great to see them living in the same house and loving each other. The world is finally at peace.
10. The pursuit of good coffee
"I believe that in a former life, I was coffee!" – Lorelai Gilmore, and also me.
11. The mother-daughter relationship between all three generations of Gilmore women
The show, at its root, is about relationships. It is what has kept the fans interested all this time and it is what perseveres in this new mini-series. The relationship between Rory and Lorelai and then with Lorelai and Emily is so real and relatable, and the reason why "Gilmore Girls" is as interesting and compelling to watch in 2016 as it was when it premiered in 2000.