"Family Feud" brings family and friends together, whether that is on the show itself or in the audience. They do say laughter is the best type of medicine. Here are the funniest moments from the show:
1. The woman that answered the question with finishing the question in a different way than Steve expected... and he loved it

2. The contestant that made the opponent agree with him

3. Steve got a great laugh at this contestant's job

4. Four people thought the same thing. Who does that?

5. I guess that's one way to look at it

6. Steve did not this contestant's answer

7. Ah, close but not really close enough
8. Survey said seven people agreed with him

9. Steve thought is was a bad answer, when indeed it was a "good answer" *claps*
10. Steve's face says it all

11. Well she isn't lying. I just don't think Steve was ready for that answer

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