11 Holiday Gift Ideas For The Beauty Lover In Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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11 Holiday Gift Ideas For The Beauty Lover In Your Life

Give the gift of glam!

11 Holiday Gift Ideas For The Beauty Lover In Your Life

Most of us have one, or many, beauty lovers in our lives. Those people obsessed with anything sparkly, and seem to always be on top of new releases from their favorite makeup line. For each and every gift-giving occasion, their wish list never fails to contain a plethora of cosmetic goodies.

If you are looking for the perfect holiday gift for the beauty fiends in your life, look no further! Here is a list of 11 of the season's best beauty steals, sure to make their season bright.

1. Too Faced Merry Kissmas Set

Price: $25

Buy this adorable liquid matte lippie set here.

2. Tarte Sculpted Cheeks Blush Set & Brush

Price: $35

This beautiful blush set is an amazing value, and a perfect gift any beauty freak is bound to love. Buy it here.

3. First Aid Beauty FAB Beautique Skin Set

Price: $48

Perfect for dry skin, this kit gives a great sampling of what FAB has to offer. Purchase it here.

4. Sephora Face Mask Set

Price: $25

2016 was definitely the year of the sheet mask. Let the beauty-obsessed guy or gal in your life relax with this mask assortment, as they wind down after the holiday season. Get the set here.

5. Smashbox Light It Up Primer Set

Price: $36

Smashbox knows how to do primer, and do it well. This set allows your beauty lover to try two different priming products, all of which he or she is bound to love. Grab it here.

6. Benefit Bigger & Bolder Brows Kit

Price: $34

Give the gift of "fleeked" brows with this amazing kit, that includes everything needed for a perfect arch.

7. Becca Go on the Glow Set

Price: $20

There are few things beauty fanatics love more than a good highlight, especially during the holiday season. Gift them just that with this wonderful set! Purchase it here.

8. Philosophy Gingerbread House Set

Price: $42

The scents in this set scream, "Christmas!" You know you want to smell like a spiced gingerbread cookie! Snatch up this adorable gift here.

9. Korres Winter Skin Rescue Kit

Price: $45

Repair the damage the harsh winter air often causes the skin with this tried-and-true duo. Buy it here.

10. Living Proof Spread Cheer & Perfect Hair

Price: $25

The beauty lover in your life is bound to fall in love with these haircare products. Grab this set here.

11. Stila Waterproof Eyeliner Trio

Price: $35

Stila eyeliners are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, and are sure to be a hit! Pick up this great gift here.


Hopefully, you now know exactly what the makeup junkie in your life would love to see under the tree this year. You'll be the reason their season sparkles!

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