Looking back at old photos of myself, I question why did I dress myself as I did. Some of things I used to wear in my early days were just completely hideous! Lets take a trip back in time and reminisce on a few trends we all were guilty of wearing.
1. Wearing multiple polo's at once
I never really understood the practicality of this fashion disaster. In my middle school, the more polo's you wore, the higher you stood in the hierarchy of popularity. Sadly, I never rocked more than one at a time.. :'(
2. The infamous "potato shoes"
Wow, these are just ugly as sin. The sad part is, American Eagle is still selling these...
3. Feather Hair Extensions
If you rocked these extensions, you definitely got lots of likes on your Myspace profile picture. Pc4pc?
4. Wet Seal knitted belts over t-shirts
Actually anything from Wet Seal reminds me of my awful fashion taste.
5. A crisp pair of K Swiss shoes
Only to be paired with a cute pair of bootlegged jeans.
6. Sweatbands
These were mostly worn when you were not conducting physical activities. Fun fact, I had a Liger (from Napoleon Dynamite) sweatband that I wore too frequently.
7. Rubber bracelets
A complete knock-off of the Livestrong bracelet... If you weren't wearing eight at once, you really needed to reevaluate your life.
8. Shutter shades
No comments necessary.
9. Obnoxiously branded Abercrombie & Fitch hoodies and tee's
It it didn't directly state the brand, did your outfit even matter?
10. Sequin purses
Okay, now I am feeling extremely embarrassed...
11. Sweatpants with writing on the butt
I am guilty of owning a pair of sweat pants that had my name on the ass :/