College is absolutely a struggle. When those last couple of weeks roll around, so does the massive pile-up of projects, tests, papers, and everything else. Say goodbye to your social life, goodbye to your family and friends- you are a goner if you don't keep track of it all right this very second.
Funny thing is, this struggle isn't anything new. College students have been facing it since... the founding of our nation. So, to emphasize this point, here are some common struggles we face as told through Broadway's latest, greatest musical: "Hamilton."
1. When you have so much to do that you can't even remember your own name...
"I... I don't really know anymore. But there's a million things I haven't done..." Probably because I procrastinated and waited until the last minute on everything, but who's keeping track at this point?
2. When you oversleep a class way too late in the game...
No one can afford to miss any more days... maybe I shouldn't have taken those five "sick" days back in January.
3. You take the exam that could make or break your grade at this point, and this piece of paper looks you dead in the eyes like:
That's fine. This is fine.
4. Then the teacher hands it back gleefully with a failing grade...
5. When you have four projects, nine homework assignments, two papers, and three tests on the same day...
"Why do you write like you're running out of time?" Because I am.
6. When you have to forego hanging out with friends to catch up on homework and studies instead...
It may be miserable now, but with a little determination... summer break is right around the corner.
7. When you try to beg your teacher to curve your grade from a B to an A...
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for. Just please round up that grade. Please. I'll write the other 51 essays for the Federalist.
8. But when that fails, you have to get rid of all the evidence of your horrible grades...
And good riddance, too. Who wants a reminder of all your hopes and dreams that were shattered by one stupid class?
9. Because all you want to do is make your family proud...
"No, mom... They just like... didn't put the grades in. No, I have no idea what I made. Yes, I'll make you proud, mom." Gulp.
10. But it's such a relief when you and your friends step out of that final exam and just know that you nailed it.
Praise everything. Now you can celebrate and actually be a social butterfly again.
11. And in the end, you wouldn't trade all the stress for anything, because you're only in college once.
"Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now."
Friends, teachers, hundreds of projects and essays... it's all worth it in the end when you think about all you are working for and how much potential the rest of your life has. I wouldn't suggest going as "non-stop" as Alexander Hamilton, because it certainly helps to take a break every once in a while. But there's so much to look forward to!