Your first two weeks of college can be the most difficult but also the most fun. You are just starting to get settled into your new dorm room with your new roommate(s). You are also meeting tons of new people, including your teachers and fellow classmates, and are learning how to manage your time. All of the changes that you experience during these first two weeks can cause a variety of emotions.
1. Excitement
Going to college can be extremely exciting! You've waited for this moment for most of your life and it's finally here!
2. Stress
Moving away can be very stressful. So can moving into your residence hall, especially when everyone is moving in all at once.
3. Anxiety
You may also find yourself anxious about whether or not you and your roommate(s) will get along. After all, you will be living with these people for the next nine or so months.4. Sadness
Going to college and moving away from your family, friends and pets can be really difficult. You'll find yourself wishing they were there with you during your first two weeks of college. It's perfectly normal to miss them and feel homesick, so let yourself experience that sadness.
5. Exhaustion
6. Restless
Another feeling you'll probably experience is restlessness. You have changed environments completely and so you're no longer sleeping in the same bed that you previously were used to sleeping in. You will have some trouble getting some sleep the first couple nights at college, but eventually your body will get used to it.
7. Confused
Your first week of school will likely be syllabus week. This will be one of the longest weeks of the school year. Often times, you'll find your mind wandering off and will start to wonder why on earth it takes your teachers so long to go over a syllabus. I mean, how long should it take to go over the plans for the semester?
8. Overwhelmed
You might also find yourself overwhelmed by all of the information your teachers will give you about your class. They go through so much so quickly and you might become concerned that you missed something.
9. Surprised
Branching out and meeting new people can be a pretty uncomfortable situation, especially if you're an introvert. You might have been worried that people would be rude or that there would be a lot of drama, kind of like what you see in the movies, but when you realize how nice almost everyone is, you become so surprised. You'll also be surprised at how easy it is for you to navigate your campus.
10. Happiness
Another feeling you'll experience is happiness. Once everything has settled down, you'll know almost immediately whether or not your college decision was a good decision. If it was, then you'll feel so happy that you've found the college for you and that you've made many great friends so far!11. Thankful
The last feeling you'll experience is thankfulness for the people that have gotten you to this point in your life. Your parents have worked hard to raise you and you wouldn't be the person you are or where you are in your life without the love and support of all of your family and friends.