11 E3 Announcements To Look Forward To | The Odyssey Online
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11 E3 Announcements To Look Forward To

The future of gaming looks intriguing, and in some cases, bright.

11 E3 Announcements To Look Forward To
The Telegraph

E3 has just passed and has succeeded in getting many of us excited for the upcoming video games, consoles, etc. that were announced on those stages. But out of the many stage talks and reveals, which have gotten the most attention? Well obviously, that depends on the person but these 11 have gotten the most buzz from social media, gamers, and the like.

Without further a due, here are 11 E3 Announcements to look forward to:

1. Anthem

Platform: Multi-console

Unfortunately, BioWare flopped big-time with the less than stellar launch and reception of "Mass Effect: Andromeda." However, their new secret IP that turned out to be "Anthem" sent a new wave of interest; you, along with three friends must leave civilization behind into the wilderness in search of...something. Not much else is known and only time will tell if this new IP can salvage BioWare’s tarnished image.

2. Detroit: Become Human

Platform: PS4 Exclusive

Based on the PS3 tech demo "Kara," this game takes place in a futuristic Detroit (hence the title); androids live among humans, but as little more than living slaves/devices. The player controls three androids; Kara, a recently created Android that escapes the factory she was made in to explore her newfound sentience; Connor, a police android whose job is to hunt down deviant androids like Kara; and Markus, who devotes himself to freeing androids from slavery. Your decisions impact the world, so choose wisely.

With story mechanics that supposedly make it impossible to get a game over and Jesse Williams from "Grey's Anatomy" as Markus, this is one story you don't want to miss.

3. God of War

Platform: PS4 Exclusive

One of PlayStation's most popular exclusive game series has made a thunderous return, quite literally. Taking place centuries after "God of War III," the now-immortal Kratos must rise to action again; this time with his son and the Norse gods since the Greek gods are....well, dead. By his hand no less. With a new story and engine, it's time to step into the shoes of the former God once more.

4. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm

Platform: Multi-console

Square Enix's story-based time travel game was an unexpected hit. With its indie soundtrack, mysterious story/background, and interesting characters, "Life Is Strange" was a hit for both gamers and music lovers. Now, cashing in on that success, a prequel was created. Unfortunately, Ashly Burch will not be Chloe Price this time due to the Voice Actor Strike; and prequels have varying degrees of success but it's still something to look forward to.

5. Metroid Prime 4

Platform: Nintendo Switch Exclusive

The "Metroid Prime" trilogy was Nintendo’s fairway into the FPS genre. Dark and mysterious atmospheres, fun gameplay and interesting stories made the trilogy one of the Wii's highlight games. However, the Metroid series then took an odd turn with "Metroid: Other M" and "Metroid: Federation Force," both of which were....underwhelming to say the least. But to Nintendo's credit, they seemed to have learned from their mistakes. Nothing else is much known about this, aside from Kensuke Tanabe returning to produce the game; so hopefully, this game will be just as good as the previous three.

6. Monster Hunter World

Platform: PS4, Xbox One, Windows 10

The Monster Hunter series is one of the most well-known hack-and-slashers of the modern gaming generation. However, up to this point, they were usually restricted per say to Playstation and recently, Nintendo. However, with Capcom revealing they're going multi-console; that raised more cheers. With a gameplay based on "Generations," the newest title, and a global server to let Western and Eastern players play together, this is a world of Monsters you're going to want to travel to.

7. Ori & The Will of the Wisps

Platform: Xbox Exclusive

A sleeper hit for the Xbox, "Ori & The Blind Forest" was well-received thanks to its art, 2D gameplay, and atmospheric soundtrack. As well as a personal favorite game of mine. To see Moon Studios create a sequel to this game is a personal highlight for me. That being said, I recommend to all Xbox players who haven't played "Ori & The Blind Forest," play it.

8. Spider-Man

Platform: PS4 Exclusive

From the ashes of the "Batman: Arkham" series, rises (hopefully anyway) Insomniac's Spider-Man game. With Sasuke Uchiha aka Yuri Lowenthal as Peter Parker and gameplay that's inspired by the Arkham series but with new abilities to make it Spidey's, this is a game that's going for a break.

9. Star Wars: Battlefront II

Platform: Multi-console

DICE may have hit the ace with the "Battlefield" series, but with the first "Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)" they made, results were lackluster due to a lack of single player campaign, and lackluster multiplayer. This time around, not only is there a single player campaign that will bridge a portion of the gap between Episode 6 and 7, the multiplayer will encompass the entire Star Wars saga from the Prequels to the Sequels. A lot is riding on this game, but hopefully, it works out.

10. Super Mario Odyssey

Platform: Nintendo Switch Exclusive

As if "Breath of the Wild" wasn’t enough, Nintendo has put out another seeming contender for Game of The Year. With a jazzy new theme and an open world with all new powers, Mario has new areas to explore. It's already looking to be a hit, so be on guard for October 27th.

11. Xbox One X

Is this perhaps the most powerful video game console that will be built? The secretive Project Scorpio turns out to be the Xbox One X. With a 4K support system, 326GB per sec memory bandwidth, 1TB storage and so much more, this console just might revolutionize the next-gen consoles; as well as maybe push Sony to create a stronger contender than the PS4 Pro.

Of course, there are much more things than these 11 things to get excited, but allow these 11 entires to get you hyped up even more. Here's to the rest of 2017 having good games and entertainment entries.

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